time for a name change

I've been thinking about changing the name of this blog for a while. Taking the Long Way Home no longer applies. I am home, here at the beach, in my happy little house, with sand on the floors and sticks and string in my hands. Home, at least until I head for the big Home beyond this world. I'm certainly not in a rush to get there, so I guess I'm still taking the long way as much as I have control over. But still, and then again, all I can really write about with any authority is life as it is, right here and now.

So a name change seems in order. I suppose it could be blog suicide, but so what. I don't have that many readers, and I don't make any income from it. (I'd be OK with changing that.) I have little to lose, so I might as well do what I want. I usually do, and it usually works out.

The new name will be... drum roll... Knitting in Public. Or maybe I Knit in Public (which I was able to get the .com for). Knitting in public is something I do all the time. It starts conversations, makes connections, and brings people together. I know there's some dumb opposition to public knitting out there, but really... I mean really? Some people will object to anything. While they stare at their phones. With headphones on.

The new phase of this old blog will be about knitting in public, as well as about publicly talking about knitting. And other things. There are so many things to talk about. I make all sorts of things, I think deep thoughts, I fail and succeed, and cheer on those around me. I make a soft place for friends and strangers to rest and regroup. I laugh, I worry, I look too far into the future and miss what's in front of me. I'm working on that. Life is so big. There's so much to do even when there's nothing to do. Knitting cushions the hard parts, and enhances the happy parts. Knitting in the world makes the world that much better.

So watch for the new name at the top of the page. I'll try to figure out how to make the changes without losing all my subscribers. I hope you'll keep hanging around, and I might need to ask you to resubscribe to do that. (And if you know how to do these pesky tech things, I'd welcome some advice.)

Next up, my pattern for tiny preemie baby hats. I squeal a little every time I finish one and hold it in my hand. They work up really fast, and you could even make them to use as Christmas ornaments.

Thanks for being here. I appreciate you!
Now it's time to knit.


  1. I'll resubscribe if need be -- as many times as necessary to keep on following you. I love reading your thoughts and meandering through life with you through your blog. OXOX

  2. I too enjoy your thoughts and ramblings. I always have. My sister who is a weaver in Richland has taught me how to knit. I haven’t been in front of the torch since I broke my right wrist badly about 4 yrs ago. So carry on my dear. My ocean paradise awaits me in Florida in about 2 more years.

  3. Thanks for being here Shawn! Do you miss the torch? I don't, but had to find something to replace it with. Hooray for yarn! It doesn't burn me or cut me or explode in my face! ;o)


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