On the Road Again...

Well hello there...

You thought it was all over with here, right? So did I. But life changes, and so do minds and perspectives, and I now find myself coming up with reasons to revive this blog. It's a total surprise to me.

Is anyone still out there?

Here's the quick story:
After 13 years in our Taos House - minus the 15 months we traveled and blogged about it here - Rick and I have sold our house and are moving on to...

I want to be able to share more of everyday life than I can over at Positively Vegan, so for now I think I'll write both blogs. Maybe a post a week each or so, with a bit of overlap, but more personal stuff here, and more food over there. They might blur to a point of total melding some day, but for now I'm a two-blog girl.

I hope you'll re-join me for this part of the ride. It promises to be a good one!


  1. Good for you! I'll be interested in what you have to say. My blog has been trying to rear it's ugly head, too. Must be in the stars.

  2. I guess a lot of us have some sharing to do. Get to it, my friend! xoxo

  3. I'm here! I hope things are good in your neck of the woods and that your changes are for happy reasons.

  4. I'm here too! Love the adventure!!


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