Postcards From the Road - Cornbread

The Fremont Market is where I sold beads a million years ago. Well, fifteen. The market has changed over the years, but it's still fun, and I was glad to have time for a wander through it before class started.

I could live here.

Yes, that is a rocket ship, and Fremont is the Center of the Universe.

Fremont Market

The coolest food truck ever...

... But I'm pretty sure I don't want to know what sort of food they serve...

I was first up to do my demo in class today. I think I did OK, and it was fun, and not as scary as I thought it would be. I made a killer cornbread that turned out just like it was supposed to. How 'bout that.

First we went grocery shopping.

My lovely audience.
Here goes..

Talk talk, stir stir...

Show and tell.

In the pan.

Let's bake this beauty.

Looks good. Is good.
Tomorrow is the last day of class, and another day of demos. I'm doing spanakopita triangles, which I've just learned are made by folding the filling into long strips of phyllo dough, in a way similar to how you'd fold a flag. Good thing I was a Girl Scout and learned that little flag folding trick.

I'm a little nervous about tomorrow. Think I'll try to prepare a little more tonight. Talking points. I need my talking points...

Wish You Were Here!
xo Kim


  1. Well done Kim ! Looks lovely !
    I guess the cornbread wasn't a 'killer' (I hope not) hee hee !! Pardon the pun !!

  2. ..meant also to say that food truck is GREAT !! Never seen another like it !
    Also, of your jewellery Kim !


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