Postcards From the Road - Completion

The last day of the 10-Day was yet another Big Food Day, and sort of bitter-sweet, to come to the end of 2 weeks with new friends. We all felt a little bit like kids at the end of summer camp. I think most of us will stay in touch, because this truly was a life changing time for all of us.

Today's food...


Kale chips

Cacao elixer


Tacos, pizza, ravioli, and many trimmings

And at the end of the day, a very nice and well-earned certificate...

I wonder, at what point does a cook become a chef?

Wish You Were Here!
xo Kim


  1. Well done you !!!!
    I love the Certificate Kim ! Great stuff !!
    You will have to have a cookery blog now as well and add your own recipes !! You could add your 'cupcake' beads to it as well !
    It's a bit like the day of school, you know you will miss all your good friends. It will be nice if you all keep in touch.

  2. ...oops, I meant 'the last day of school' of course !! ;)

  3. Congratulations on a job well done. I sure hope that you will be sharing some of those delicious looking recipes when you return home.
    Have a happy and safe trip.

  4. Congrats! Now you need to bedazzle a chef's hat! Enjoy the rest of your trip!


  5. Yay!! Congratulations!! I love the idea of a bead-dazzled chef's hat. :) Enjoy the rest of your trip! oxoxox M-E


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