Leave it Running

Inspiration is like water. It flows all on its own, and while it's possible to dam it up and slow it down, it's better to let it do what it does. Flow. I know that if I use it as it comes along, there will always be more right behind it. There always has been. In an Inspirational Rainy Season, it might be hard to keep up with the floods that sometimes happen, and now and then there will come a drought, when I wonder if I'll ever see another drop of Inspiration again. I always do though. Always. I know I can rest in the dry seasons, trusting that the Flow will return. When it does, and I use it, it just keeps coming. If I don't use it, it diverts itself to some other outlet, because it depends on us, all of us, for expression. There's an endless supply, so the best thing is to just turn on the Inspirational Faucet, and leave it running.

Today is Tuesday. I'm leaving for Mexico on Thursday. I have a million things to do, but on Sunday I was swept away by a new bead idea that would not wait until I come back from my trip. I spent the day in the studio, and much of the evening. I tried everything that came to me. Some of it worked. Some didn't. But by the time I had cleaned everything up on Monday morning, I knew I was onto something. I call them HeartStones, and I think you're going to like them as much as I do...

I live in the desert, and I'm going to spend a week by the ocean. That's got to be a good thing for body, mind, heart & soul, and yes, for Inspiration. I'm leaving the Faucet running while I travel. I'll have a camera and a notebook with me at all times, and when I come back, I'll be ready to splash around in the studio again. Usually when I go on vacation, I have to be dragged off the beach when it's time to go home, but this time it might be Inspiration that lures me home. What a surprise. What a lovely surprise...


  1. Oh those heart bead are so beautiful... I always pick up heart-shaped stones I find while walking my dog, I wish they could be as striking as yours! I'll keep an eye on the shop when you get back. Have a great week by the ocean ;+)

  2. Gorgeous! And I'm not usually a "heart" person. Just beautiful! Love the new direction your work is taking.

  3. Wow! These are awesome, especially the blue heart one! Can't wait to see more. Have fun in Mexico.

  4. Let that river flow! i should too....good post.

  5. Gorgeous and amazing! Be safe on your trip and I look forward to seeing your journey in photos when you return :).


  6. I really love the HeartStone with the blue hearts. It makes me think of tide pools. I hope you have a wonderful time in Mexico!


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