Goof-Off Week

By this time each December, bead sales trickle to a stop, I guess because there's no guarantee of Christmas delivery at this point. I always panic a little bit, and then I relax and enjoy some time to wrap presents, put up the tree, plan fancy meals, bake, and just generally goof off. That's something I rarely do. This time of year I clean up my computer, sort and back up photos, ponder new directions for my blogs and website, and sift through a year's worth of mysterious bookmarks. There are dozens of things I mark for later use, and then never go back to. Some of them are no longer even valid links, and to be honest, I don't really know what most of them are. So I go through one by one, clicking, deleting, renaming, and re-filing. It's actually sort of fun - especially when I run across a really good one, like I did yesterday.

Allow me to introduce you to PhotoFunia. But don't go there unless you have some free time. It completely sucked me in, to the point where we almost had popcorn for dinner, instead of the lovely pasta I had planned. With minimal computer skills, you can take your average family photos, and turn them into fun, silly, cool, beautiful works of art. Here are some of mine... Go have some photo fun of your own!

You too can be on the cover of Vogue!
My sister, in pastels
Me, on a brick wall
My beautiful daughter turns heads wherever she goes
My baby sis and her sweetie - fun with graffiti
Jacob and his mama at the mall
Julie and Danny are worth a good long look
Rick and Jacob become a beautiful pencil drawing


  1. I like the pic of Rick and Jacob the best, that should be printed and framed. Happy Holidays! My daughter is trying to drive from Denver to San Antonio and the roads are closed, I hope she gets to San Antonio before Christmas. Are you snowed in?

  2. Not much snow here. If your daughter gets to Taos, have her call me. Rick works for a hotel.

  3. Oh, you are so bad! I've just spent about an hour making photo presents for some of my friends. Since I also did one of those "Elf Yourself" things with their faces, they're never going to let me take their pictures again. No telling where they'll end up!

  4. Haha Zoe! I know! I've been posting them on walls all over facebook! Too much fun!

  5. This is so much fun! Can't believe the only photo I had was of my dog so now Petunia has a picture with Edward! Fun Fun Fun Thanks! Beth in Illinois

  6. you're such a christmas elf with this lovely project. merry, merry, my dear! love, katy

  7. You evil woman, you! I did not need yet another addictive activity & here you've fed me one. Seriously, this is great fun! Thanks for sharing it. Merry Christmas! Polly Anna


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