Good-Bye Noel

I'm posting this on both of my blogs today...

Rick and I are on our way to Denver, to attend the funeral of a very dear man, Noel Cunningham, who left this world last week. Noel and his wife Tammy took Rick and I to Ethiopia in November of 2008, changing our lives for the better, forever. Noel will be greatly missed by many across the world, and I hold the belief that given all the wonderful and loving things he did here in this life, he has even greater work to do now, from the other side.

Just because this is all we can see doesn't mean it's all there is.

I am so very sad, and yet so hopeful and inspired, and so proud to have crossed paths with Noel Cunningham. I'm setting aside business as usual for a few days, and I'll be back here with you next week, beading, cooking, musing, and celebrating life.

Carry on.
Love each other.
Know you are loved.

Thank you Laurie Maves for the beautiful video...


  1. my sincerest condolences....
    God Bless


  2. Noel was an inspiration to countless people and his acts of love and generosity touched more lives than we will ever know. Like the brightest stars in the heavenly sky, his light will carry on. Let's honor him by paying forward with love and generosity.

    Kim, my heartfelt condolences and love are with you.


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