
I have three cameras. One is a nice Sony Something-or-Other that I take bead pictures with. It's lets me adjust lots of things, and have more control over my pictures, but it's too big to carry everywhere. So I also have a cute little pink Olympus that fits in even my smallest purse. It does some pretty cool things too, and used to travel everywhere with me... until I got my iPhone.

When phones these days have cameras that can do the job on an everyday level, there's little need for me to haul around extra gadgets, so I've been putting the phone's camera to the test. Granted, there aren't a lot of settings to fiddle with, so there's not a lot of control, but in the right light, or even in the right moment, I can get some very satisfactory photos. I'm certainly not a professional photographer. I don't know my aperture from my elbow. But I like to try to capture what I see, and if it's ever possible to have a camera implanted in my eyes, I'll do it. I've missed some amazing moments because I didn't have a camera close by. But I always have my phone with me, so that's happening less and less. What I lose in technical perfection, I gain in spontaneity, and that's good enough for me. I also kind of like the odd, grainy "toy camera" effects I sometimes get.

This is my view from my perch in the kitchen this morning. Well sort of. I held the camera low to get the snow on the rose bushes.

Jacob came over to play for a while yesterday, and I caught him and Rick being silly together.

And when the afternoon sun slanted through the windows and smacked into a bunch of white roses Rick had brought me, there was nothing to do but stop everything and take some pictures.

I'm also perfectly okay with making adjustments in iPhoto or Photoshop. Who cares! Often a picture with too little light can be made to look like a lovely antique image I might have found in someone's attic. The goal is to come up with something visually pleasing. So far, I'm pretty pleased.


  1. Who ever thought I'd be wanting an iphone or droid because of the pictures they take! John has a droid and I love what that little camera can do. Fun to play with photography huh?

  2. Remember to sync your iPhone thru iTunes to your account where a whopping 5gb of space is free! Then you can move photos and videos and apps on to and off your phone. But then, you knew that!

  3. I'm hoping to get an iPhone soon, almost got one before I left town but didn't have time to switch phones. I don't like to carry a lot of things and the phone/camera combo would be perfect for me while traveling.

  4. I've always thought Jacob looked a lot like his granddaddy, but that mugging/chewing shot is beyond perfect. Good job. Norine


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