Labor Day

Labor Day doesn't mean a lot to me. I take days off when I need them, and usually not when everybody else does. I'm working today, but not too hard. Yesterday was a theoretical day off, but instead of power-lounging, I pulled out some fabric scraps and the Dreaded Sewing Machine, and made a bag I've been designing in my head for weeks. It drove me crazy the entire time I worked on it, but I was also enjoying the construction puzzle of what to put where first, and how to get lining, pockets, and handles all in the right place. I was asking way too much of the machine with the heavy faux-leather and oil cloth, but eventually, together, after many, many re-threads, we did it. I still have dozens of threads to trim, but it looks pretty good, I think, considering how much I hate sewing. I learned a lot, I feel smarter, and I might even use the bag...

Today is a bead posting day, with part of the afternoon spent in the studio. I'm not going to do too much. It's almost crunch time, with my first show in years coming up in November. I'm doing Taos Folk at the Stables Gallery here in Taos, which I'm really looking forward to. It just means I have to make a lot of beads in these next few weeks. I think I can do it. I have to do it.

And tomorrow we're going to Santa Fe to look for a car for me. Rick bought his little Toyota truck back from the friend we sold it to before we went on our trip. He's happy to have it back, and I'll be happy to trade the BAT (BigAssTruck) in on something smaller, for me.

Busy times. Feel it? I know it's like this for a lot of people right now. Maybe I should be taking the rest of today off to... rest. There's a lot of activity swirling around in my little world. Might be wise to pause, take a breath, say Yay Me for all I've done so far this year, and try to go into this next round with grace and balance. Yes. Good idea.

Happy Labor Day to all the hard workers out there. Yay you! Take good care of yourselves. You make the world go 'round.


  1. I have a bag I fondly refer to as my "Frida bag", that someone made and I purchased off of Ebay years ago. The same picture and all :)! I *love* the one you made! We were working for Labor Day, cleaning out our camper and getting ready to go back to school and work. I didn't get to create anything beautiful like you, but I do have clean towels and three excited kids lol.

  2. For hating sewing I think you made an adorable bag!

  3. Your bag is darling. Good job!


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