Field Trip

Rick and I went for a nice hike to Williams Lake yesterday. It's our favorite hike in this area. It starts above Taos Ski Valley, and goes up to 11,000 feet in elevation in about 2 miles. It's not exactly easy, but not too hard either, especially for uncommitted exercisers like us.

We paused to consider our options when we saw a school bus parked at the foot of the trail, but decided not to let a bunch of kids scare us off. The hills were indeed alive... with the sound of high schoolers. It wasn't exactly a serene setting, so when we got to the top, we kept going to the waterfall, where we had a nice quiet lunch, all sounds of youthful exuberance drowned out by the stream.

The kids left after a while, and we had a chance to sit quietly by the lake for a while, in the cool fall air, before skipping back to the bottom, where there is always a reward for our hard work... on the deck of the Bavarian! Who would guess there was a little slice of Germany, high on a mountainside, in northern New Mexico? You need 4 wheel drive or skis to get to it, and it's wonderful. Like a little European vacation in our own backyard.

Why don't we do this more often? We let work interfere with fun, I guess. Well, that just has to stop.


  1. Cheers! Would love to see you come by A Camp Host's Meanderings when you have a moment.

  2. To see anything that pretty, we have to drive for 8 hours. I miss the Southwest!


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