Feed the Birds

Everything is drying out here, including me. As the weather cools, I forget to drink all that water I guzzle in the hotter months. I need to find a way to trick myself into it. Maybe some nice herb teas or something. There's nothing to be done for the flowering plants in the yard though. It's Purple & Yellow season around town, with all the last minute bloomers coordinated into this glorious color scheme. I still have a few stray hollyhocks in bloom, and the cosmos are going strong, along with one unlikely pink-and-yellow rose bush. I don't know why or how it survives here, but I sure do enjoy it.

The local birds are having a real feast these days, fluttering around the finished sunflowers and hollyhocks, and splashing in our makeshift bird baths. One is a saucer stolen from under a potted plant, and the other is a beautiful blue frying pan that I overheated and blew a hunk of enamel out of. So sad to lose it from the kitchen, but lesson learned, and now it makes a lovely bird bath.

I think I'll start gathering some of these seedy delicacies and make a wreath or something out of them. I'll save it for when the weather is colder, and bird food is harder to find under the snow. I also promise to pour warm water in the bird baths every morning, because I know they'd rather drink and bathe than ice skate.

Today on Positively Vegan: Zucchini Noodles with Peanut Sauce!


  1. Those roses are beautiful! I especially like them against your adobe wall. And that blue frying pan bird bath is so, Taos! You know, that BLUE. Glad to see that instead of throwing it out you found another purpose for it, and I'm sure the birdies thank you for that. As a society we throw way too much out, so recycle, recycle, recycle. Yeah!


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