News and Birds... More Birds...

If you've been here a while, you know I'm not one to wait around and weigh the options for long. I'm decisive, and once I decide, I get to it, whatever it is. Over the weekend I looked at the results of the little poll I posted last week, and saw that some changes were in order. I got a few pretty in-depth responses, even though I asked for that not to happen. It always does though, so I was ready for it. And actually, I got some very useful input, which I'm grateful for. This is not to say that I welcome a steady stream of "experts" emailing me with advice. But when I need help, I'll ask for it, and I'm pleased that there are some really smart people out there who are willing to share what they know.

I was already in the process of moving my website over here to the blog. So I finished that up, and then came to the realization that there was no reason to have the same exact pages drifting out there in two different places. So I killed the website. Boom. Just like that. And now when you go to, you'll land right here. Clean and simple. I call it a Blog-Site.

Next, I saw that there are a lot of people who much prefer to click a button when shopping online, rather than sending an email. A few like the email method, and a bunch have no real preference, but that number in the middle got my attention. So I re-opened my BigCartel account, and will try posting beads in my own shop there again. Here's the link:

Next, I gave some thought to the old Secret Bead Club, and how we might bring back some of the fun of that. Another thing you might know about me is I don't like "going back." So rather than revive the SBC, I came up with something new - the VIB Lounge. You know what a VIP is, and that applies here. but to be more specific, a VIB is a Very Important Beadist. You know who you are. You're the ones who buy the beads, support the work, and create your own beautiful work which includes my beads. Some of you almost religiously give my beads as gifts to your friends and favorite family members. All of you are the ones who keep me going, and I want to show my gratitude. The VIB Lounge, like the SBC, gives you the first heads-up when new beads are posted, so you'll get a jump on everyone else who's out there browsing for beads. You guys are serious, and you deserve first dibs. Think of the VIB Lounge as a nice place to relax and wait for new beads, without having to check the Shop constantly to be sure you don't miss anything. I'll let you know the minute they're up! I'm also working on special discounts for VIBs only. 

Some people who are already on my Beadist Mailing List will be automatically invited to be on this new mailing list. But if I miss you somehow, or you're new here and just know you're a VIB, please feel free to sign up by visiting the VIB Lounge page. . It's a fairly small group right now, and I might have to put a limit on it at some point. We'll see how it goes.

That's it for business for now. I also have a nice "bird story" for you. This morning, as I was walking, a big, ragged looking hawk swooped down ahead of me, and then up to land on top of a pole. As I got closer, a pretty little grey dove fluttered up to where the hawk was, and landed on the power line right next to him. A hawk and a dove. Amazing. They just sat there, and then flew off in different directions. 

What does it mean? I don't know. Maybe nothing. Maybe something. I felt like I was looking at two aspects of myself up there - the hawk, who has to stay busy and alert, and who has to kill for a living is my Business Self, always watching for the next best way to "make a killing." The dove, who's content to peck seeds from the ground and sit in trees making pretty noises is more who I want to be, maybe more who I am when I'm not working all the time. And if the two of them could sit side by side there this morning, maybe they can so the same in me, somehow gently, efficiently, lovingly getting the work done, and then resting in the shade.

A little farther on, in the place I've been finding peacock feathers, I found a ragged looking hawk feather right in the middle of the road.


  1. I'm a proud VIB'er :). I've made two sets of earrings, three necklaces and gave a bracelet with your beautiful beads to our exchange student from China. Granted, I'd love to just keep them in a little treasure chest and fawn over it like Blackbeard, but that kind of beauty needs to be shared :).


  2. I think your VIB club is a good idea. I like the story about the birds and your thoughts on why they were there.


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