Hey, I was gonna say that...

As you know, I no longer plan to make Pandora-size beads. (If you don't know, read the previous post.) Several people have emailed, letting me know that the ruined silver is not really wasted, because I can turn it in for "scrap." Yes, I know that, and I've been saving silver bits for years. But I certainly don't get what I paid for it, and I just can't stand to waste all that time making beads that are likely to be broken in the final step. As far as I can tell, there are about 4 people who really want me to make Pandora-size beads. That's not great incentive... Now if 100 or so of you round yourselves up and ask very sweetly, I'll reconsider working out the glitches in the process. Until then, I plan to entice you over to the Trollbeads Side.

I see nothing at all wrong with owning more than one brand of bracelet, so here's what I propose: From now through the end of September 2011, email me a copy of your receipt for a new Trollbeads bracelet, and I'll give you a FREE Troll-size bead from my BeadShop. Yup, the first one's on me! 

To get your free bead, first send me your Trollbeads bracelet receipt dated any time in August or September of this year. Once I reply by email, head over to the BeadShop and buy one or more of my Troll-size beads, completing checkout in the usual way. I will refund the price of one Troll-size bead ($30) through PayPal within 24 hours. This offer is not good on beads purchased from me before today. One free bead per person. Free beads must be claimed by Oct. 31, 2011. Other fine print may occur to me as we go.

And get this... As I was over at the Trollbeads site, getting the link for you, I noticed that they've stolen my great idea! They also just happen to have a deal going right now. Buy a bracelet and clasp from them, and they'll give you a free bead too. How great is that? Really great. Serendipitous even. We couldn't have done better if we'd actually been working together! So now's the time. buy a bracelet, and get two free beads to get your collection started. Go get a bracelet and I'll keep making beads!

I got this from Beth, so I thought I'd share:

"Hi Kim,
Just wanted to clarify... the site you linked to is not the official Trollbeads site,
it is just one of many many vendors. (Looking at the fine print, it appears to be
a jewelry store in Nebraska). The actual company site (in Denmark, but I've
bought from them a number of times) is www.trollbeads.com. The site you
provided is trollbeadbracelets.com. I know nothing about them, but I do know
that the people at trollbeads.com, the official site, are lovely.

I haven't looked into pricing issues recently, but the last time I was in the market
for a troll bracelet, buying from the actual Danish Trollbeads Company ended up
costing me exactly the same thing as US vendors, including free shipping --
things may well have changed by now. And the deal you noted certainly sounds
like a good deal. It just isn't *the* Trollbeads Company.*"

OK. So... get your bracelet anywhere you want.
All I need is the receipt, and I'll give you a free bead!


  1. Wow. Went to the site to see what they had and the prices stopped me in my tracks! It'll be a *long* time before I can afford one of those lol. Until that day, I will buy your beads and put them on my simple little necklace lol.


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