Good-Bye Trailer

Here we are, Rick and Kim, on June 1, 2009, setting out on our great RV Adventure. Was it really that long ago? So much has changed. For starters, look at those chubby people. Clearly this was in our pre-vegan phase, when cheese was still a food group of its own. We've changed, inside and out, and all for the better, I think. I hope. We know better what we want. We're grandparents. We continue to learn and grow. We eat better, that's for sure! And we have a different perspective, because we stepped outside of our comfort zone.

We've been reminiscing a lot the last couple of days, as we prepped the trailer one last time, not for a trip we were going on, but for potential buyers coming up from southern New Mexico. We retraced our travels, and went over what we liked and didn't like about the traveling and not traveling, the time we spent on the move, the time we spent as camp hosts, the trailer itself. It wasn't perfect, any of it, but at times it came pretty darn close. 

We sold the trailer yesterday afternoon, to a nice pair of ex-truckers looking for a cozy vacation rig. They unabashedly fell in love with it right before our eyes, and before long we had a stack of cash in front of us and they had keys and title in hand. Lovely people who will treat out little home well. Time to let go, but not without a few tears...

They even have a truck like ours. It all felt perfect. And although it was sad to let go of that part of our life, it was the only logical thing to do. Same as before we left, we can't travel and have this house. We can't sell the house in this market, and won't rent it again after the bad experience we had before. So we let go of what's no longer useful to us, and make room for what comes next. It's all OK. 

It's funny... when we bought the trailer it symbolized freedom to us. And now selling it feels like exactly the same thing. Fare well Tessie Beau. We loved you. We'll miss you...


  1. A sad moment I'm sure, but you have your memories and the knowledge that if you really want to, you can go again. In the last few months I too have been reassessing my dreams. I know someday the market will improve and we will be able to sell our house. It has to. But in the mean time, we are looking for a motor home to go "anytime!"

    I started reading your blog because i wanted to know how doing your art on the road worked for you. My sculpture is much larger, and unless I really limit myself it would be to much to take along.

    Recently the internet art market has been really good for me, and I'm working and saving for the days I will be out RVing and unable to work on them.

    I totally love your beads. Each is a little world of color. I'm glad you went back to doing them.

    I have been seeing many feathers on the ground lately. Mostly blue Jay, and I think of your peacock feather finds.

  2. Kim, glad you sold your trailer; I was one of your first fans of the blog and loved watching your journeys. My partner and I have an inexpensive Rv and we joined a club; the trips to AZ and ocean have been great. I feel 16 when we hit the road; we need our little house and would not sell it for now anyways but the days of nomad life really are refreshing. I wish you and Rick the best.Your travels have inspired me and your healthy food habits are intriguing.
    As a person living in WA I dream places like Taos and Santa Fe but if you rv, you get to be a travel slut and love the place you park. lol
    Thanks for blogging. Joan Tucker, Off Center Productions


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