Sunday Night Beads

I was going to post these tomorrow morning, but I have time now, so might as well. Remember, I'm leaving on Friday for Seattle and parts beyond, and will be back on the 18th of July. All beads sold this week will be mailed on Wednesday. Here you go!

1 (above)
NOT a bracelet bead. Please see the description to the left.
This measures about 15 mm across.

2, 3, 4 (above)
Bracelet Beads
Please see description to the left.
"Naked" - $20
"Silver" - $30
Please specify!

5, 6, 7 (above)
Bracelet Beads
Please see description to the left.
"Naked" - $20
"Silver" - $30
Please specify!

8, 9, 10 (above)
Bracelet Beads
Please see description to the left.
"Naked" - $20
"Silver" - $30
Please specify!

11, 12, 13 (above)
Bracelet Beads
Please see description to the left.
"Naked" - $20
"Silver" - $30
Please specify!

14, 15, 16 (above)
Bracelet Beads
Please see description to the left.
"Naked" - $20
"Silver" - $30
Please specify!

17, 18 (above)
Bracelet Beads
Please see description to the left.
"Naked" - $20
"Silver" - $30
Please specify!


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