New Love

I thought it was going to be a long time before I could "come out" with what I'm about to tell you. But something I'm constantly reminded of is we have no real control over life and situations, especially when there are other people involved. And there are almost always other people involved. All we can do individually is make our own best choices, and then take responsibility for what happens from there. What's happening here is out of my hands. How I respond to it is totally up to me.

So here's the scoop.

Back in February, Rick's daughter Julia came from California to Taos to live with us and have her baby. She was fleeing an abusive relationship, and because of the violent nature of the baby-daddy, we all felt the only thing we could do was hide her here. At that point I went off the radar here on my blog, as well as on Facebook, never daring to post anything "real" for fear that baby-daddy might find Julia.

Due to decisions I didn't make, and do not agree with, everything is out in the open now, so I'm finally free to tell you... I am a grandmother! Baby Jacob was born on April 21. Rick and I were there to help bring him into the world, so we've known him from his very first breath. He is a beautiful baby, and a delight to have here with us. We know that in time, Julia will find her own place and move on with her life. So for now, we're enjoying every minute of watching this new little life learn and grow. Growing is what he does best right now! He was 9 pounds 13.5 ounces when he was born, and at 4 weeks old, weighs over 11 pounds now. He likes to be walked and danced around the kitchen, so we're all getting lots of exercise and building muscle! Fortunately, he approves of most of the music in my iPod, and is particularly fond of world music, which is nice to dance to in a late-night kitchen.

Secrecy is a hard thing for me to live with. I can keep other people's secrets. In fact, I'm really good at it. But they get heavy, and I get tired. I would much rather carry a baby than a secret. And I'm happy to welcome you back into my world. Here he is. Meet my new Love, Jacob.


  1. Welcome baby Jacob! I wish you all the wonder and beauty this world has to offer!

  2. Congratulations, Kim! He's going to learn a lot from you. I'm envious of all the baby cuddles you're getting!

  3. Ah, grandbaby love is just the best in the world! Congratulations! Kiss his little tummy for me.

  4. What an incredibly beautiful little one you have there! Many blessings to Jacob and his mommy and his wonderful abuelo and abuela!

  5. I believe being a grandparent is reward for being a parent. I've am both, and love every minute of it. Best wishes. Hope you have as much fun and joy as I have.

  6. Congratulations to all of you !!!
    my grandson was born 4/25/2011 !!!
    Aren't grandchildren truely AWESOME!!!
    funny how things work out ...
    makes sense now why your RV odyssey lead you back to stay in your Taos house for a while...
    m.e. :)

  7. Beautiful!!! Congratulations!!!

  8. OH so beautiful! Is he a red it! Congrats to one and all Beth in Illinois

  9. There is nothing sweeter than becoming a grandmother. I have a 4 yr old and a 2 yr old. Both boys. They love me because I send them cookies and little bags of change for them to put in their banks.

    The Beads? All I can say is more more more.

    Gail Bollard


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