
All I can think about right now is  wire and sparkles. Maybe it's this dark, cold time of year, or a post-holiday need to cling to the magic. I don't know, and I don't question the Why of it. What's important is the What, and to a lesser degree, the How. I've been in the studio at least a little bit each day since Christmas, bending, sawing, and hammering wire. My hands are sore and stained from the dirty steel, but I don't care. I am in love with the stuff, and every minute I spend with it teaches me something.

In my internet travels to various woo-woo sites, I keep coming across discussion of "relationship," meaning not only close romantic partnerships, but a more expanded view that includes how we relate to everyone and everything we come into contact with. Think about it. We actually do have relationship with everything, and though it may be only momentary, it still matters. I'm particularly focused on my relationship with steel baling wire. It's a delightful infatuation. But I also have to remember to tend to my relationship with my saw, my cutter, my pliers, my hands, my computer, my wood stove, my breakfast, my husband, and so much more, because all of these things are important to the currently spotlighted relationship with the wire.

Simple things can start to seem really complicated, but really, all it takes is a bit of noticing, of paying attention to each thing individually. It's like making a cake. Each ingredient goes into the bowl, thoughtfully, purposefully, just the right amount. Then you mix it all up into a lovely batter, pop it in the oven, and soon your house smells like heaven, because the relationship between all of the cake ingredients has been lovingly tended to.

Life is a Cake, my friends. We each bake our own, but the nicest part is that we get to share them. My current cake is made mostly of steel and sparkly things, but I have to remind myself to include all the other ingredients too. Each one is important to the bigger relationship, and to the finished Cake.


  1. Right now, my cake is a batter of my children and their growth and experiences. Once in a while, I get to sneak in a bead or two. Every cake needs some sparkle to really cook lol!


  2. I like that you're in love with wire and can't wait to see what your creative juices do with it! Even though I've dabbled in lots of jewelry making things from simple stringing to bench jewelry techniques to stone setting I still seem to keep going back to working with wire in one way or another. Have fun! Polly Anna

  3. Wow! Look at those beadshop beads you've got pictured here. Wonderful! I love them! My question: Can you have your cake and eat it too? (Smiles)

  4. Some days I feel like I need a new recipe!

  5. if Life is a Cake
    is Art is the Icing ?
    m.e. :)

  6. ~smiles~
    Happy New Year sweetie!!

  7. Glad that you are having such fun with the wire, however gritty it might be before being a part of the great sparkly. And it's wonderful that you are learning so much from working with the wire.

    And about that cake. Guess yesterday I missed the real cake part, but I made tamales that tasted as good as I can remember buying them. Yes, took quite a bit of time but my feeling of success made it that much the better.



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