Hail the Birthday Queen

My youngest daughter, Lauren, is visiting from Seattle, here to celebrate her 25th birthday. I could get sappy and emotional. I could get freaked out and let myself feel old. Instead I got creative and made her a Most Amazing Tiara. I think every Birthday Girl deserves a beautiful crown.

Today is her last day here in Taos, so there's more fun to be had. I expect I'll get a little sentimental tomorrow when she leaves. I always do. But today I'm just enjoying hanging out with her. She's grown up to be an amazing, beautiful, talented, smart, capable young woman. She inspires me, and I'm a very proud mom.


  1. You are so blessed...nothing wrong with sappy!! Enjoy yourselves

  2. You have every right to be a proud mom!!! Enjoy your time together and Happy Birthday to Lauren!

  3. That little brat turned out just right, Mom. And the tiara is stunning. I'm looking at more on your Etsy slideshow.

  4. doesn't every little Princess dream of becoming the Queen of her world when she grows up ?
    A Tiara is the perfect Birthday gift !!!
    Such a Spectacular one "made by Mom " is truely extra,extra special !!!
    m.e. :)

  5. Happy Birthday to your daughter and a lovely tiara. Suzie


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