Soup Is Good Food

I made an excellent soup last night. I can't take credit for the recipe. I got it from Rachael Ray. But since it was online, I can share it with you. It's a beans-and-greens soup call Deep Winter Minestra, and it's delish! I veganize it by leaving out the bacon. It doesn't miss it a bit. Last night I added some Tofurkey sausage for a change of pace, but I probably won't bother with that again. Who needs faux meat when you have all those lovely mushrooms, beans, greens, and pasta? Mmmm... perfect for this time of year, and really easy to make. I always make way too much. Time to get Soup Night going again on a regular basis. Feeding people is one of my favorite things. Make a pot, and share it with friends! Enjoy!

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  1. Thank goodness for my big freezer! I make soup often and also in great quantities! Mushroom barley and 18 bean in freezer now, butternut squash ready to be made into soup this weekend! Hubby could eat homemade soup daily! Sara in FL

  2. Any kind of soup, chili, or any concoction from a crock pot is high on my list!

  3. I love soup! I am a vegetarian, so I like this recipe very much...
    Many thanks, Cindi

  4. Thank you! I think a good soup is winters best comfort food.

  5. Funny, I made my first soup (ever) last nite and it was vegan also. I went vegan 8 weeks ago, love it, the soup was so good, I will have to try your recipie next time. Suzie

  6. Yum! Yum! Will be making this for sure. Soups are so "warming, friendly and sustaining" in the cooler, winter months.

  7. Nothing tastes better than soup in the winter months! I am going to be trying this soon!


  8. That sounds like a great could save me the trouble and just have me over for soup night!!!!


  9. I remember when I was a very young Air Force bride, couldn't cook, and no money. My husband taught me how to make potato and onion soup. It cost next to nothing and was yummy - especially for a Southern girl toughing it out in winter in Syracuse, NY! Polly Anna

  10. Just thinking of soup and Taos, makes me crave some really good green chili. May have to whip up a batch for Christmas eve dinner !! Can you even believe it is the day before Christmas Eve? Where has this year gone ? Happy, happy to you and Rick !! April : )

  11. Mmmmm, soup. I love the process of making it as much as eating it. I'll be trying this recipe soon. As Jacques Pepin says " _appy eating!"


  12. That sounds really jummy! Thank you for sharing!
    Hugs, Carolien

  13. How is it possible to make too much soup???
    A pot of homemade soup is the ultimate comfort food! This sounds delish !!!!
    m.e. :)

  14. Yes, m.e. I agree with you wholheartedly. I've got TWO pots going right now. And I am not a fan of fake meat, either. Vegetables are so wonderful, and I am a little suspicious of what is in those compressed morsels, i.e. mystery veggies :-). Norine

  15. Love homemade soup! Anything with kale is a friend of mine. I have one recipe that is similar called Tunisian Vegetable.

  16. I like my meat, but living in MN there is nothing better than a good soup this time of year!


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