Round Two

We had an amazing day yesterday, helping to fill over 1,100 boxes with food. Just when we though we were finished, someone found a wall of tortillas, and we all scurried around, tossing them like frizbees into the ocean of boxes.

It snowed overnight, which is so beautiful, but might cause problems for some of the people coming out to pick up their boxes today. We'll be there though, bundled up and ready to push shopping carts for the recipients of the food. I'm reminded of our friend Marta in Ethiopia. Although she's over 80 years old, she still insists on serving everyone before herself. She credits her name, which means "servant", and is always proud and honored to serve others. She is such an inspiration to me. And she's right, it really is an honor to serve in any capacity. I'm so looking forward to spending this day talking to people and helping to make their holidays a little bit happier. It's really very selfish on my part. I get much more out of it than I give. Shhh... don't tell...

I loved reading your comments from yesterday. Some of you are real Super Heros! My hope is that we can all inspire each other to do just a little bit more. And if you're one of the ones who hasn't been doing much, but feels the need to, tell us what you'd like to do. It's a good start! Then go make a phone call and get to it.

I'll bring a real camera today (only had my phone yesterday), and will be back tomorrow with pictures and stories. There are surprises waiting for all of us today. Let's go get 'em!


  1. I find myself lugging around my real camera less and less and using my phone camera more and more. Blackberries aren't exactly coveted for their photo-taking capabilities, but I like having it at the ready and being able to capture moments, in some capacity, that might otherwise be missed. Seems like everybody has an iPhone, but I like being different.

  2. Kim, communitas.. home and community; you seem to be building an answer to your journey's question.

  3. Tortillas can really catch some air when tossed well lol. We are the ones who receive the gifts when it comes to helping others. A smile from a little girl or a hug from an elderly gentleman makes your heart fill to overflowing. Stay safe and warm and enjoy your day!!

    Penny \IiiI

  4. Kim-You often say you ALWAYS have your camera!! Kim-camera=confusion!! The pics great anyway.
    From experience I know rewards are SOOO great. Recipients are so happy to know someone cares and they are not forgotten. Sara in FL

  5. The old saying that it's better to give than to receive is true. Giving brings great rewards and so often giving time and energy is better than money (although the programs must have money too). Polly Anna

  6. The looks on people's faces when they receive something unexpected always makes my heart sing.

  7. When my daughter was in grade school and brownies we always donated to the shelters. I know they have a drop-off at the grocery store. I think it's time for us to do this simple jesture this year too. Thanks all, Beth in Ill.

  8. The need is only going to grow in this country, what with the rich getting their big tax breaks extended and no jobs being created. We all must try to fill in the gaps wherever possible with $$$, clothing, food, time, and other gifts to those less fortunate. So sad to think of what the U.S. could be, but nice to think of all the thoughtful folks out there. . . Lorelei

  9. It is always more fulfilling to give than to receive. Suzie

  10. It's so great that you and Rick give back. We need to all be thankful for what we have.
    Barb C.

  11. I'm so glad I found your blog. Thank you for sharing your life with us. It's a wonderful life!

  12. I love you.... you are so incredible. I am so lucky to know you this life time.

  13. Can't wait to hear about your day and see some pics ! Bringing hope to people that are down on their luck, especially during the holidays means so much. The feeling of knowing you helped make someone's heart happy, is a huge gift to yourself, food for the soul ! April : )

  14. Wow, that's a lot of boxes!! Good job!

    Hugs, Carolien


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