I Guess I Can Say It...

Well it looks like we really did take the long way home. We've been thinking it for a while now, and we're saying it out loud these last few days. Taos let us go. Then it called us back and asked us to stay. It provided friends who are really family, and in the short time we've been back, new friends to add to the circle. It gave us a community that took us right back in with love and hugs and encouragement, even after we rejected it so thoroughly before we left. Yes, I guess I can say it. We're Home. We're staying. We're happy here again.

The house is still for sale because it still makes sense to sell it and buy/build something we can afford. But what makes sense one minute can turn into total silliness the next. We're keeping all options open, and we're not doing anything out of desperation. We're not desperate. And if the Universe wants us to keep this house, which really is quite lovely, It will also provide us with the resources to do it.

I'm spending some time this week and next pondering options and opening myself to things I've not yet thought of. My Big Question to God is, What now???, and I'm hoping for an answer soon. And if it all turns around again, and we get the call to go somewhere else, well, that's still a possibility. But if we have anything to say about it--and I'm not at all sure we do--we'll take Taos. I feel like Dorothy, waking up, still a little woozy, in my own bed, in my own room, after a long and amazing adventure. Dorothy was right. There's no place like home.

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  1. Sometimes we ask God these questions and he just smiles and shrugs with an "Eh, who knows?" aire. Makes life that much more interesting :).

    Penny \IiiI

  2. Sometimes you have to go away to see what you really had. I'm glad things are working out for you guys. Happy Holidays, Suzie

  3. There is no place like home. I'm glad that you have a new outlook on Taos and it will make you happy again, even if just for awhile.
    I truly enjoy reading your blog, I check it everyday. Maybe that and hooping are what you are meant to be doing?
    It's snowing here in MN and I'd like to find a warmer climate to call home. Hubby likes it here though, so I just keep buying snow pants :-)
    Julie K.

  4. Kim,
    Welcome home!! :) May you and Rick continue to find happiness, love, friendship, contentment, wonder, inspiration and creativity wherever you may be, and especially at home in Taos. Thank you for continuing to share the journey with us - it's a pleasure. Great things are ahead!
    All the Best,

  5. I am so glad that you are accepting Taos as "home". Every time you write about it, the more interesting a place it proves to be. The holidays or any of the other days just seem to bring so much joy to you there. But we never really know what is ahead for us in life, so accepting other changes. . . well, that's part of life, too.


  6. I wish I had some deep words to say, some sage advise to render, some wise thoughts to share, but all I can say is your heart knows when it is at peace, when it is home......I'm glad your heart had the opportunity to wander, I'm glad it found its home...may you have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  7. I'm glad you've recognized Taos as home. Nevertheless, there may be another home out there too one of these days. Friends, family, a sense of community are all part of what makes a place home and you certainly seem to have that in Taos. But there's nothing that says you cannot have more than one home. Enjoy what Taos has to offer - personally I think it's a great place but then I've only visited and never lived there. Polly Anna

  8. I'm glad you're home! Taos has always been a special place for my family & I to visit-- NM is so magical. Home is where your heart is, or where you hang your cowboy hat, or.......
    Feliz Navidad!!!! Renee

  9. I really enjoyed your correlation of you feeling like Dorothy from "The Wizard of Oz".... you're a fun writer to read.

  10. As far has a "home" goes Taos is beautiful!

  11. Never been to Taos, but from all reports from you and others, in many ways it seems idyllic. Glad you 'found' what you were looking for, at least for now. Sara in FL

  12. I guess its true: No matter where you go, there you are.

  13. ~welcome home~
    it sounds good...

  14. The fates are telling me we must leave THIS place. I am content that it may take a long time, but everything I am doing to the house is for someone else.

    I'm glad you are feeling more settled.

  15. I understand your feelings -- home is wherever you're happiest (at the moment)! Please enjoy the holidays. Best wishes.

  16. I am glad to hear that you have found what you were looking for, for now ! I think the secret is to live in the now ! April

  17. glad you are staying... maybe now we will plan a trip to see you!! happy holidays!!

  18. So glad you are feeling settled. That's good for the winter's nesting. Spring is often good for house transactons, but the willingness to be in the write space at the right place is best - as we all know. Norine

  19. Seems like a nice place to spend Christmas... Hope you enjoy it, and have a wonderful holiday!

  20. Great to read that you feel home again, sometimes it's necessary to make a long journey to find out what home is.

    Hugs, Carolien

  21. Sometimes we think we are independent, and then something happens to make us realize that we really need our friends and neighbors.....and makes us realize how incredibly fortunate we are to have such a wonderful support system. Enjoy being home, and Merry Christmas.

  22. I suspect most of your blog readers already knew you were home !!!
    But, it's lovely to hear you say it out load .
    I think we should all sing a chorus of
    "I'll be home For Christmas" for you !!!
    m.e. :D

  23. Kim if you read back over your blog I think you knew this awhile ago. You seem to have come alive when you came back to Taos. Congradulations and "Welcome Home" Beth

  24. Welcome Home Vanderburg Family! I hope you have a Wonderful Holiday, the Merriest Christmas and a love filled New Year!

  25. Welcome home! I've recently returned to NM (by choice) and I've never been happier. Hope you find happiness in your decision to stay. The Universe will provide whatever you need.

  26. Welcome home! I've recently returned to NM (by choice) and I've never been happier. Hope you find happiness in your decision to stay. The Universe will provide whatever you need.
    (Somehow this got put under Darlene when it's Linda G sending it)??

  27. You certainly have piqued my interest in Taos...
    The landscape and people seem so lovely!
    I wish for you is peace and hope.
    Many thanks,Cindi

  28. I've moved three times this year. Unfortunately, the latest place I've landed was more of a "have to" rather than a "want to." I'm finding it hard to finish unpacking because I dislike the place so much. It's especially unsuited for someone with two dogs, and I am someone with two dogs. Anyway, I would like to have your live and let live philosophy, but I can't seem to manage that right now. I don't like feeling unsettled, temporary. I'd like to crunch up all my boxes for the recycling bin and be done with them.

  29. Have a great day. I see that things have already changed. Flexibility is always handy.


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