Another Winner!

Congratulations to Nancy, who slipped in at the last minute this morning, and won this week's Gratitude Bracelet! It was a random drawing, as always, but here's her comment, in case we have more than one Nancy:

"Nancy said...
I have told myself many times that if I am patient things will fall into my lap. Patience can be hard....but it is very worthwhile in many ways.

Nancy, please contact me at, and let me know where to send your bracelet!

I have one more bracelet to give away next Friday, New Year's Eve! After that... I don't know yet! Maybe something else! I like giving stuff away. Mostly because it makes me feel good. But on a practical level, it generates more comments to the blog, which is good too. So please keep reading and commenting. It encourages me to keep writing, and who knows, maybe someday I'll actually be able to make a living at it. Stranger things have happened!

Merry Christmas to all of you. Do whatever it takes to feel the Love and Light, and pass it on!

(Visit MakaylaS on Etsy)

Leave a comment on this post to be entered to win next week's Gratitude Bracelet. Enter once on each post from now to next Thursday, and I'll hold the drawing on Friday morning. More details are in the column to the right. Good Luck!


  1. Congratulations Nancy - sounds like your post was right on target for you to win! Polly Anna

  2. Lucky Nancy!! Congrats are in order! Hope next week the congrats will be for me!!!! Sara in FL

  3. Congrats to Nancy! And merry Christmas to you Kim!
    Hugs, Carolien

  4. Congrats to Nancy :) And what a pretty candle holder. Merry Christmas Kim!

  5. I'm smiling!!!

    and feeling gratitude for my patience.....

    Thank you, Kim!


  6. Merry Christmas to you! FA LA LA!!!
    Ruth at the ocean!

  7. Wishing everyone a very Merry & a very Happy.
    Julie K.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Kim, Merry Christmas to you. I hope you stay warm and cozy and safe through the holidays and beyond. I hope your sales have been good this past month. Have you considered telling your followers how much you make from your jewelry and making goals out loud with them for the next month's sales? Just an idea. Take care. Levonne

  10. So glad you are doing this one more week! Thank you


  11. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of you. I look forward to seeing who is the next lucky winner.

  12. Congratulations to Nancy and everyone have a great holiday!

  13. Congrats to Nancy !!!
    WOW Makayla has lovey ceramic work !!!
    Those the expressions on her owls are just wonderful !!!
    Happiest of Holidays to all !!!!
    m.e. :)

  14. Congrats Nancy, Suzie

  15. Didn't read that I had to leave a comment on Fridays blog soooo hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, Beth in Illinois


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