Resisting Black Friday

I had the most wonderful Thanksgiving, with Rick, and friends, and candle light, and food so good we all had to take a moment to just be quietly alone with it. Waking up to Black Friday is a bit jarring to me, after all that glowing happiness. And even though I sell stuff for a living, I can't participate in all this marketing madness.

My hope is that the people who are in a shopping mood this year--and I hope there are lots of them--will at least consider buying some of their holiday gifts from the little guys like me who make beautiful things with our own two hands, infusing them with love and heart and soul. Idealistic, I know. We're up against all those Retail Giants, but maybe we can still get a few crumbs of their fiscal pie for ourselves.

My plan for today is to go into town and visit a couple of craft fairs. If I buy anything, it will be from someone local, who made that thing themselves. We're in this together, and we all need to support each other. I hope you'll do the same. Buy my beads, or someone else's hand crafted treasures. It doesn't matter who's, but it does matter that we resist the mass marketing hypnosis, and put some thought and consciousness into our gifts this year.

Have a great day, and kiss an artist if you get the chance.

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  1. I've never bought into the black friday madness... especially the mall dwelling kind!

    Craft fairs and handmade bits of beauty are much more my style too.. much more personal, intimate somehow, and definitely more meaningful.

    Enjoy your fairs.. and if you do succumb.. Oh well, you've contributed to the local economy. :)


  2. Black Friday has turned into a bizarre event, I must say ! I would much rather give a homemade gift than mass produced items mostly made in foreign countries. I have also realized that sometimes handmade gifts that are given are not necessarily as treasured by the receipient, as in I see the gift in their yardsale or goodwill donation. So my gift giving list has been cut down quite a bit and I would rather give a simple scarf and mittens to someone I don't even know that may not even have a home, that will truly appreciate what they are given. I am participating in a holiday fair next week and hope to sell alot and whateve I have left I am donating to someone somewhere. I am selling knit hats, baby bibs, and other sewn items! Black Friday is a good day for me to stay home and make something for someone ! April N

  3. I honestly have never seen the appeal of Black Friday. I am not an early riser, plus I have kind of a crowd phobia. So no Black Friday for me! I did enjoy a piece of pumpkin pie for breakfast, and plan to do some knitting later today - much more fun I think! I have been doing more gift shopping from crafters & artists this year, and really enjoy picking out something special plus supporting individuals. ~~Traci C

  4. I am going to be in a craft fair also in a couple of weeks. I love to give handmade gifts as presents. As my finely jeweled family can attest to. That is a great idea April N to give away stuff at the end of the fair....I will try that. Suzie

  5. We hosted 15 adults and 5 little critters for Thanksgiving yesterday and all had a great time - much rather spend money and time with family and friends than at a big-store buying mass produced, low quality junque that will be in a land fill 2 years from hence cause it fell daughter and I are going to the local Soroptomist today see what treasures we may find, then back home to spend more face-time with visiting family.

  6. Black Friday is for the entertainment value as much as anything. We can buy all the socks you need for 50% off a the local Fred Meyer...a tradition for many families. All in all, it is usually best to avoid the crowds.

  7. I didn't do any Black Friday things but did have the real pleasure of selling a few of my latest creations. I've been making things during the last few months for the first time since I packed things up 8 years ago just after my late husband was diagnosed with ALS. This was my first sale since then and I am thrilled! Kim, I hope sales are good for you this season. Polly Anna

  8. I have never participated in the Black Friday mania. I always make our gifts for giving, or purchase handcrafted. In our family, the day after Thanksgiving is reserved for putting up Christmas lights! I'll make some spiced cider for later and enjoy a movie later. Who needs the stores?!

  9. Craft fairs, markets, artisan studios, etc., have always been my first choice when I need to purchase anything. I love looking and buying...and marveling at all the different expressions of creativeness!

  10. Agreed, local artists and handmade all the way : ) Bought myself a big crocheted flower ring today for inspiration!!! LOVE it, and it was $5 from a local small craft fair at a Lancaster County Mill. It makes me happy.

  11. I stay far far away from the Black Friday madness. All that insatiable gluttony, seeing soccer moms beat the crap out of each other for a doll or grandmas go toe-to-toe for a cheap toaster oven makes me ill lol.

    Penny \IiiI

  12. Selling on line is a both my blessing and perhaps my curse !!!! Every time I sell something I see something I HAVE To buy!!!
    I don't need Black Friday! All year long I purchase wonderful ,unique handmade treasures.
    I always have a ready stash of special Holiday gifts and "just because " gifts .
    I love the on-line selling venues because it's a perfect opportunity for me to take some and pass some on .
    Isn't that what life should be about ?
    m.e :)

  13. Indeed, as an afterthought...just when did charging down a cow chute; i.e., the front door of the local Koh'ls, at 3 a.m. become "fun"....not in my book! :)


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