Gratitude Bracelet Winner!

And the winner is...


Your comment, left on Tuesday, was the winner, picked by a random drawing on
Please contact me at by Wednesday, and let me know where to send your bracelet.

Everyone else, THANK YOU so much for all your beautiful, thoughtful comments. I read every one of them, and although there are too many to reply to personally, I want you all to know how much I appreciate you!

I knew you were out there, and I hoped I could entice you to come out and play. I did it!
And it was so much fun for me, I'm going to do it again this week, and every week in December.
Same rules will apply. Starting Monday, leave ONE comment on each blog post through Friday. (I hate to have to mention this, but there was a bit of a problem with multiple entries this week. More than one comment per post will get you disqualified. Sorry!) I'll pick the winner on Saturday. And if you don't want to wait to win a bracelet, you can buy one in my BeadShop!

Happy Holidays to you all! Thank you for being there!


  1. Charlotte, lucky you!!!
    That bracelet is gorgeous !
    Big thanks to Kim !!!
    The rest of us have more chance to win!
    Don't you love it when life gives you second chances...or thirds ....or fourths !!!
    m.e. :D

  2. Lucky Charlotte! Generous Kim!!
    Polly Anna

  3. Yeah Charlotte! Kim, thanks so much.. it's always interesting, and often moving to read your blog. It was extra fun to read all of your comments this past week.

    I hope you had a wonderful weekend and didn't break the budget at the craft fairs.


  4. Congrats Charlotte! Enjoy ! April N

  5. Congratulations Charlotte! What a treat for you to be able to wear one of Kim's beautiful gratitude bracelets whenever you wish!
    Thanks Kim for your generosity in extending your giveaway so more of us have a chance! Fingers crossed!

  6. Kim, As you are one of my favorite bloggers, I bestow upon you the Versatile Bloggers Award. I have linked with your blog on Levonne's Pretty Pics.

  7. I'm proud for you too Charlotte! What a wonderful way to start the week...

  8. How fantastic for Charlotte! Was lucky enough to be able to purchase a Fresnel bead.. it is GORGEOUS! Thanks Kim for your continued inspiration!
    Leslie L.

  9. Bummer about the multiple entries glich! Oh well... Congrats to Charlotte. Better luck next time - for the rest of us! Kim - you are the best!!! xxx ooo

  10. The only thing I purchased on Black Friday was beads for my two little girls to make gifts for the holidays. At 3 and 6 they are now making Christmas ornaments for the Grands, teachers and friends. Some are kits purchased at AC Moore but this year REAL bead store crystals have been added to the projects. Perhaps, one day, they will buy Kim Miles beads for their holiday beading. Wonderful thought! Nanette

  11. Congratulations Charlotte! How lucky! :)

    Thank you Kim for giving us all more chances to win one of your amazing works!

    Michelle Rockett

  12. I am grateful for the moderate weather we have in DC. My daughter is shoveling snow today. I am reminded of the saying "you are not given what you want but what you need." Nanette the Nanny

  13. Congrats Charlotte, now you have a whole new group of people who envy you even tho they don't even know you. No really, you are the lucky one, maybe I'll be next.

    Thanks, Kim, for sharing your talents with us. We enjoy your beadwork, your pictures and your blogs, what's not to love? cj


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