Blooming Humans

I subscribe to several kind of "woo-woo" emails. I live in Taos, remember? We're like that here. I guess I'm sort of like that anywhere I go, but it's more encouraged here than in a lot of places. This morning I was greeted by several inspired emails that were all saying more or less the same thing, and all tied in, at least loosely, with my Hoop Dreams post from yesterday. It seems that nurturing our dreams is a popular theme these days. Well, you know me. I'm all for that!

The email from Go Gratitude, announcing the Blooming Humans project particularly got my attention, and has had me pouring over their website for the last couple of hours. The idea is to plant a Dream Seed in the Dream Seed Garden, and to nurture that seed for the benefit of yourself, as well as the the Whole. It's simple and fun, and even if you're a skeptical person who shuns all things woo-woo, I see no reason not to play. There's nothing to lose, and possibly Everything to gain. Here's a wonderful video to get you started. I know it doesn't fit on the page very well, but it will move out of the way in a day or two. No worries. It's worth the space it takes up. Watch all the way to the end. We really do need to be listening to the Children...

I'm in! I planted my Dream Seed this morning. See if you can find it in the Garden, and let us know here when you plant yours. Come on! Let's grow!

Visit Blooming Humans to learn more.


  1. I just watched the video and was really impressed with the kid at the end! I'm off to check out the "Blooming Humans" link.


  2. Thanks for another inspiration, I planted my dream seed ! Its a dream that I have had for a while now it is planted for all to see ! April N
    * *

  3. Interesting. I'll be checking out the site. I love what you're sharing with everyone.

  4. Really interesting site. I'll have to think on this a bit so I plant the right seed. Polly Anna

  5. Such an interesting site to check out. Thanks for sharing. Hope that I can find what you planted! Have fun with it.


  6. What a Cool picture (to the right of this box), a heart and crown, beautiful! I love the message from the little guy....We are one Voice, We are
    changing the World. Peace to you, Kim

  7. Thank you for sharing....going to go plant a seed

  8. Since I am a bit of a "woo-woo" person myself(!).,
    totally enjoyed the video, the site and now off to plant a "dream seed"!

  9. I planted mine. Thanks. It's all coming together.

  10. I planted mine by meeting up with another sister in time.

  11. I believe when we see hearts in objects it's God's way of telling us he loves us.....going to check out the site....{{Hugs}}

  12. I also love the log on the right of the heart and crown. Will check out the website. Bet my sister knows about it.

  13. Thank you for sharing the Dream Seed site.
    Now I just have to carefully decide wast to plant
    m.e. :)

  14. Thank you for sharing! Love the picture of the strawberry!
    Hugs, Carolien

  15. Hmmmm....whodathought Dream Seeds....
    Sara in FL

  16. We should all bloom where we're planted, no matter where that may be. I am heading off to plant a seed......

  17. I always wondered what a 'woo woo' email was - now I know. Thanks for sharing the dream seed concept with me. Music ain't bad neither!

  18. Once again Kim you have steered me to a place that I was longing for. Thank you is not the correct word to express my gratitude for your heart and mind. I have planted my seed and will nurture the garden for all of humanity to thrive in.

    Love you deeply my dear sister.


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