Spa Day at Camp Taos

We did about a week's worth of cleaning yesterday. The house looks great. We are pleased and hopeful, although as of this morning, there's no word on how the showing went yesterday. Patience. And rest. I need to rest. I'm taking today off, and hereby proclaim it Spa Day at Camp Taos. I'm going to lounge around, read, paint my toenails, and eat Something Good.

I stumbled upon StumbleUpon this morning. I'd heard of it before, of course, being the tech savvy genius that I am, but had never explored the possibilities of it. When I read it suggested somewhere that it's wise to post one's own blog to StumbleUpon in order to find new readers, that caught my attention. What I didn't count on was that it's actually a lot of fun to stumble around in there, finding sites and info and fun things I would never find with mere Googling. 

My other blog, RVeganKitchen, has been sadly neglected, and I apologize for that. Cooking and eating have taken a back seat to cleaning and collapsing these past weeks, so it would be only embarrassing to share my current kitchen adventures. Last night we had popcorn for dinner. I was up at 1AM eating cold brown rice and peanut butter. Note to self - Popcorn is not a balanced meal, even if you include a glass of wine.

While RVeganKitchen might just drift off into obscurity, Great Idea though it was, I still think it's worthwhile to share some good food tips here now and then. I care about your health and happiness. Rick and I remain happy vegans, even in New Mexico, with the occasional lapse into cheese-eating, if it's really good cheese. We are human. We have weaknesses. Potato chips are another one I absolutely must get under control...

Anyway, while wandering aimlessly through the maze of StumbleUpon this morning, I ran across this lovely site - Fat Free Vegan Recipes. I am re-inspired to clean up my diet. Some of the recipes I see here look absolutely Spa-Worthy, like Pesto Pasta Salad, and Middle Eastern Red Lentil Soup. Maybe you'll find something to interest you too. Keep an open mind, my meat-eating friends. You might be pleasantly surprised. I'd be surprised if you weren't.

And with that, I'm off. Let Spa Day begin! And God save me from the Sea Salt and Cracked Black Pepper potato chips...


  1. StumbelUpon! My site often comes up on StumbelUpon. Based on our logs, the highest number of hits in one day has been 8000 or so. As far as I know, I have never gotten a single sale because of it.

    I have really enjoyed reading your blog. I really got the feel of working in an Easy Up. I wondered about the wind, until you described pulling up the stakes.

    I will probably be all caught up tonight. It's been like reading a novel.

  2. Thanks for doing all this reading Merikay!

    I hope I'll never have to work in a tent again... unless it's just writing!


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