Hello Again, Taos

After 2 nights in Moab, I think I've figured out where the name came from. It stands for:


True story. I made it up, but it must be true, given the noise level of such a geologically gifted little town. We heard cars and four-wheeled-what-have-yous, and motorcycles into the wee hours, and noted on our way through this morning that there are far more "Rent A Jeep" places than there are internet cafes or day spas. Don't get me wrong. Moab is cool, in its own way, but we don't think it's Our Town.

Today we mostly drove, drove, drove, stopping only briefly in places like Durango and Pagosa Springs. Durango didn't do a thing for us at first glance, but Pagosa and its famous hot springs seem to be worth going back for a closer look sometime when we're not so pressed for time. I hate being rushed to get somewhere. That's not what we signed up for, but it appears to be what we've got at the moment.

Today took us through Utah, into Colorado, along the southern Rockies, and back to the familiar territory of northern New Mexico.

Tonight we're camped in our dear friend Karena's yard, looking out over the mesa to Taos Mountain and the moonrise. What's not to love about this place? Well, at the moment, nothing. We have very mixed feelings about being here, and only time will tell just exactly why we're here this time. For now, all I can do is remind myself that everything is OK, and that part of the exhaustion I feel comes from being back at this 7,000 foot elevation that makes me wish for a sherpa just to help me get my purse out of the truck. I will try to get a good night's sleep, and tomorrow... oh, how can I even begin to guess?


  1. That's funny about Moab. When I lived in NM, I remember people telling me the official state hobby there was "towing sh*t". If you look around on the highways, EVERYBODY is towing something, usually a sawed-off pickup bed with a garden hose and a piece of old nylon.

    Beautiful pics of Taos...keep sharing, it's such a beautiful spot in the world.


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