People (and Eggless Salad)

I have a hard time keeping track of the days, but I know today is Sunday, because last night we had some people to deal with. We're getting to that part of the season where everyone who works in the park - any park, from what I gather - starts muttering, people, about every other word. It's like in the suffragette song in Mary Poppins, where Mrs. Banks belts out, "Though we adore men individually, we agree that as a group they're raaaaather stuuuuupid....". Substitute "them" for "men" here, and you've got the start of a great new campfire song.

I can relate to Mary's style. Be nice, take no crap, and bring out people's better natures, even if you have to trick them. It's a good way to operate, and it's actually working pretty well here. The people last night were not as bad as some we've had this summer, and we've really been noticing that since we put those friendly little signs on the picnic tables, most folks just shush themselves at 10PM and toddle off to bed. It's a bit of a miracle, and we'll jolly well take it, spit-spot and all that.

So with another successful weekend under our belts, a nice little picnic on our own table was in order at lunchtime today. Most of the time I warm up leftovers from the previous night's dinner, but I know how much Ranger Rick likes a nice messy sandwich now and then. Feeling kind of festive, I whipped up a batch of our favorite "eggless salad", which is the perfect thing to make in these times of tainted eggs because it has no eggs in it at all!

Get yourself a hunk of firm tofu (always use organic soy products!), wrap it in a dish towel, and squeeze out some of the moisture. This leaves room to add flavorful moisture back in without making it too soggy. I use half the package of tofu to get 3 or 4 sandwiches worth of filling. Crumble the tofu into a bowl, and stir in whatever you normally mix in with your egg salad. I like Vegenaise, because there are no eggs in it, a good squirt of mustard, some dill pickle relish, chopped black olives if we have them, salt, pepper, and paprika. No big deal. It's easy and tasty and good for you. I like to spread hummus on the bread instead of more mayo, and lettuce and tomato are important too. Gotta eat your veggies!

I wonder... If I were to make a nice tray full of dainty sandwiches, and served them up to the campers at bedtime, maybe some tricky, sleepy Mary Poppins magic would quiet the rowdy ones and make them think they needed to get some sleep. Ya think? Awww, people... gotta love 'em.


  1. I think I will add chopped celery to your already yummy sounding Eggless salad and have a go of it!

  2. Oh yes. Hummus is good on everything. Why do I not see more alfalfa sprouts on everything else. I much prefer it to lettuce. Guess I better start a jar of them. Definitely go for the tricky magic, Kim. It could even be in some lovely little cordial glasses :-). Norine

  3. I used to work in an alfalfa sprout factory. I was a bagger. We did this by hand, and I could pick up EXACTLY 4 ounces of sprouts every time, hundreds of times a day. I don't love them so much now... ;o)

  4. LOL, oh Kim, maybe you should have a contest as to who has done the most obscure/unique jobs. That's one of the best. I am sooo sorry you don't like alfalfa sprouts now, though. I loved those '70 sandwich shops in San Francisco - the nutty breads, the fresh, highly piled veggies, the sprouts (the nutty employees) :-). Norine


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