
Have you noticed my absence here lately? I have. It nags at me, that little voice that says, What about your blog? Better go write something... Every day I intend to. I have a list of things to write about, and pictures to share, and day after day it just gets away from me. There are so many other things that need to be done in a day. I just can't keep up. I feel overwhelmed, like I'm out on a little boat in the ocean, and huge waves just keep crashing over me, over me, over me... I have a bucket, and I can bail fast enough to keep from sinking, but still those waves keep crashing.

So here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to take one thing off the Daily Should List. Maybe more than one, but this one for sure. As of today, I release myself from my blogging responsibilities. There - I feel better already. I guess I'll reserve the option of popping back in every so often, but if I never do, you'll know why. My days are filled with things that have to be done. Writing here used to fill some need of mine, and possibly was useful to some of you who read it, or so a few of you said. But it takes a lot of time, it certainly doesn't pay me, and I get so few comments (except from a few regulars and some incoherent babbler in China), there's just not much left in it for me. I'm really sorry. The balance is off - maybe in my whole life. Too much going out, and not enough coming in. It's time to stop waiting for what I need, and start taking it for myself.

And so, here I am, in a trailer in southern Oregon, waiting for the rains to stop, warm weather to start, campers to arrive. I need a summer like the one I had when I was fourteen - hot weather, a cool lake, and time to enjoy it. I might get something close to that, if I can trim down the nagging "shoulds" and stick to what's really important. Am I Home? No, not yet. I'm not sure I ever will be. But I'm beginning to think that for some of us, the journey is what it's all about, and Home is actually somewhere inside of us.

Will you miss me? I doubt it. But if you do, go to Facebook and ask to be my Friend. I'll probably say yes. I find it easier and less of a commitment to zip in there with a quick thought or a few pictures from the day. The payoff is I get feedback from friends, and I get to see what they're up to too. Give and take, not just give. I have a Fan Page too, which may or may not be a useful business tool. I'll hope to see you in Facebook Land, or in our little campground, or somewhere along the road...

I've enjoyed this blog a lot. And maybe I'll do it again someday. For now, thank you for being here. I really appreciate all of you who have become loyal readers. A parting bit of advise, if I may - Always take the long way home. It's much more interesting, and there's really not as much need to rush as we think there is. Fare Well, my Friends.


  1. I think we are FB friends, so I hope to see you there and on your fan page! Take care.

  2. Blessings to you on your journey.
    I will seek you out on FB.
    Enjoy the day!

  3. I will miss you. Did not comment often but read often. Hope your summer is great.

  4. Have enjoyed reading the blog, but certainly understand how it can go from "fun" to "commitment". Enjoy your summer and may you find peace in your quest!!!

  5. Things in life are constantly changing and moving, and you've got to do the same while you are breathing! Thanks for taking us with you for a bit... Will look forward to pics on FB.

    So many of your stories will stick out in my head (coyotes, beads, painting skulls, hitting the road in the RV, junk food meals, really cool places to stop and see on the road).

    Hope you'll post once and a while... I found myself posting less often because of not getting on the computer as much. Getting an iPhone got me back in the game... It became fun again and not a hastle...

    All the best in your many adventures!

  6. Thanks for your blogs and photos and your process; happy trials and lakes and fun. Joan Tucker

  7. I've loved reading both this blog and your previous one & am sorry not to have written & told you this until now. So many times, I've been saying to myself, 'Kim, I know what you mean - yay sister!' whilst reading your words. And today, once again, you have vocalised thoughts I recognise.

    I admire you hugely! Your sense of humour, wit & wisdom are a source of daily pleasure & inspiration for which I owe you many thanks. You're one of the ladies I cherish on Facebook; you light the place up!! See you on that other place :-)

    'Thanks for the Memories!' - you're lucky you can't hear me singing that because I've got a voice like a cracked corn crake!

    With love,

    Jennifer xox

  8. Kim, I understand your deciding to stop the blog. But I will truly miss you. Even though I didn't comment often, I checked daily to see what you might have to say. I always enjoyed your comments, insights, and adventures. All the best of luck to you as you move along "roads less traveled." And I'll keep checking through FB. PollyAnna

  9. You give SO MUCH. Thank You. You teach SO MUCH. Thank You. You inspire SO MUCH – THANK YOU !!!!!!!!! Keep leading, You will always have followers......

    I LOVE YOU karena

  10. Oh, I will miss you as a blogger, Kim, but I do see you every day on Facebook. I get your beadist e-mails and I will always buy your beads when I see something I have to have!

    Promise me one thing. When you go back to Africa you will write and publish an account somewhere!
    Your Friend on Facebook,

  11. Ohh, I am sad. You have been a favorite blog of mine for years. I read yours daily, a cup of coffee and an afternoon break from my journey to have a peek at yours. And the added bonus of beautiful beads. I will miss you, I have missed you already, but I certainly understand the path of change that life leads us. I will friend you on facebook.
    Be safe, be loved, be happy

  12. You will be missed. Enjoy and be creative in your new journey. Will try to see you on facebook. Pam

  13. I will miss you Kim, but have to write so much myself, for work, I barely have time to read anyone's blogs for pleasure. Things change. Then they change back! I know I will always have you and you lovely sweet smile to cheer me up if I am down! xox jean

  14. Farewell Kim, I'll miss reading about your adventures. I'm on an adventure of my own, moving back to NM from CT after 7 years away. I'm excited to be back "home" as NM became and CT (where I was born and raised) just morphed into where I was from. Best of Luck to you!

  15. Not sure if I would be considered a "regular" or an "incoherent babbler" lol. We are FB friends though :). I do miss your blogging and especially the pics you used to post from Taos. I re-lived my desert love through you lol. Hope you do pop up again now and then.

    Penny \IiiI

  16. I never seem to comment but I lurk around often. I always seem to forget about my facebook...I'll have to try harder so I can see what you are up to.
    I hope you pass thru Taos sometime soon...I'd love to run up and see you again! I had so much fun when I met you and enjoyed lunch!
    Stay safe ;-)

  17. Kim, you have the total right to do what feels best for you ..

    I will still check on you to see what you have been up to...

    You go girl! GET some freedom!

    Blessing from the heart!



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