march bead abundance giveaway

I thought the Giveaway worked quite well in February. Lots of you chimed in on your own personal sources of abundance, and I'm pretty sure we all got to thinking a bit more about what we have than about what we lack. So let's do it again!

Like last time I don't know yet what the prize will be, but it will be one of my beads, either from my BeadShop, or my Etsy Shop. You don't have to buy anything to win, and you don't have to be on my mailing list. Just follow a few simple rules to be entered in the drawing, which will be held on April 1st. Check back here to see if you've won. The winner has 7 days to contact me. If I don't hear from you, I'll choose a new winner!

The Rules:

In a SINGLE COMMENT to this blog, tell us...

1. Your favorite piece in my BeadShop.

2. Your favorite piece in my Etsy Shop.

3. One thing in your daily life that always makes you happy.

Only enter ONCE during the month of March.
(If you need to make corrections to your entry, please add a new comment, and delete the old one.)
Entries MUST be made as a comment to this post on my blog.
No email entries.
No anonymous entries.
No incomplete entries.
One winner will be chosen by random drawing on April 1st.
The prize might be one of the winner's favorite picks, or something else. It's up to me!

Again, here's to all of us living a Charmed Life, filled with Abundance!


  1. One thing that never fails to give me joy day-to-day is a cuddle from my 7 year old daughter. We call them "Hoggles" coz she's called Holly. *grins* Small things but HUGE things really.

    In your bead shop I *love* the don't fence me in ring (3.17) both for the sentiment and design (green is my favourite!!) and in Etsy I'm torn between the Faith key pendant (12.57) and the vines luminaria pendant (2.50) AND that gorgeous wee birdie (1.18). Too much choice!! The key I think may just have it.

  2. 1. Fav in Bead Shop - Aqua lotus pendant - reminds me of a blue caribbean ocean.

    2. Fav in Etsy Shop - lime pink CZ diamond floral tab -- reminds of the promise of Spring that should be arriving shortly.

    3. The one thing in my daily life that makes me happy is a kiss from my husband before he toodles off to work....he has a nice big soft bushy grey beard.... :)

    P.S. I love your beads and always have - they are the perfect thing to look at to cheer me up..... I have purchased several over the years and I love my collection of Kim Miles beads.

  3. Hmm, Beadshop fav. That is a toughy since they are all lovely :). After taking a look today, I'd have to say your Aqua Lotus Pendant 3.23. I have always *loved* your lotus beads, and this one just says "Spring" all over the place lol.

    Etsy fav...another difficult one. I love you FAITH Vintage Key necklace because I love vintage keys and, let's face it, Faith helps us through everything.

    Something in daily life that makes me happy. Besides my girls, I'd have to say music. Not only music from the radio, but from the out-of-doors. Spring is considering coming to Michigan, and right now the world is full of music. My hawks are back, the Blue Jays, Cardinals, Mourning Doves, all of them. I have spent most of my day with the windows open and the t.v. off, just listening to all the life outside.

    Good luck to all your posters :).

    Penny White
    Desert Heart Beads \IiiI

  4. The favorite thing on your website is the Wild Violets ring and My favorite thing on Etsy is the Secret Loves Globe.

    the one thing that makes me happy everyday is seeing my granddaughter when she sees me in line at the school. I pick her up everyday....but when she sees the car she acts like she hasnt seen me in weeks....jumping and waving like a crazy girl!! makes me laugh...then we go get ice cream...HA..maybe it's not me shes excited to see but the thought of getting ice Cream!!! LOL....

  5. My favorite thing in your Beadshop is the Spring Blossoms Ring (#3.18),

    my favorite thing in your Etsy shop is the Lime-Pink CZ Diamond Floral TAB - 1.03,

    and the thing in my life that makes me the most happy is knowing I'm lucky to be alive and able to enjoy looking at things.

  6. 1. From your bead shop - Spring Blossoms pendant - 3.21

    2. From Etsty shop - luminaria pendant

    3. Something that makes me happy every day is waking up and knowing that each day is a "do over" of sorts, a day to work on what isn't right and enjoy all that is.

  7. The thing that makes me happy each day is my husband delivering a steaming beverage to me in bed when I wake up. It was coffee and now i've switched to tea.
    My favorite piece in your Bead shop is Pink Blossoms and in your Etsy shop is the Secret Love Globe- purple CZ


  8. Beadshop favorite is extremely hard to type, I have to see what my fingers have decided. 3.08 Luminaria Ring. The ghosty quality is outstanding
    Etsy item is the matching Luminaria pendant

    What makes me Happy every day is waking up to the sounds of my beloved waking up. I know that he has made thru another difficult night and we still have more time together. Then it would be us walking out to the garden to drink our morning tea and watching the first light rising above the horizon. All is perfect and good at that moment.

  9. What a lovely idea! The choices are easy -- Etsy #2.10 Secret Love Globe (it would have been the globe kit had it still been there!) Shop #3.08 Luminaria Ring. This series is lovely, I look forward to new work.

    The happiest thing that happens to me each day is waking. With that all things are possible!

    Best wishes for your life in Oregon,
    Ruth Redfern

  10. Magenta barb wire pendant, faith vintage key necklace & my doggies!

  11. Hi Kim,

    My favorite thing in your BeadShop is the Luminaria ring.

    My favorite thing in your Etsy shop is the Watchful Eye ring. thing that always makes me happy in my daily life is my husband's sense of humor!


  12. Hi Kim
    Happy March! I think that your beads are so pretty!Gypsy Lotus is definitely exotic and wonderful magical colors!! I also like your unique Luminaria Ring a lot.

  13. Your bead creations are lovley!
    From your shop, I adore the Wild
    Gypsy Lotus Pendant....
    In your Etsy Shop, I love the
    Cameo Pink Love Bird Pendant!
    My sons make me happy on a daily
    Many thanks, Cindi

  14. 1. Wild gypsy lotus
    2. lakeside pendant 1.39
    3. My 6 mo old golden retriever puppy--Daisy. She has such a happy disposition!

  15. Beadhshop fav is Dancing Violets Pendant.

    Etsy fav is that sweet cameo pink love bird.

    Birds chirping and splashing around my fountain make me happy each morning--and that pink love bird reminds me of them ;)

  16. Hi Kim--so many beautiful beads it's difficult to choose--but from the Bead Store I'd say the Magenta Barbed Wire Bead and from the Etsy Shop any of the secret love globes--but I'd guess the purple CZ heart would be the first choice. Waking up next to my husband every morning is always the best start to any of my days. Hope you're enjoying the wonderful pacific northwest!

  17. The Wild Gypsy Lotus, Secret Love Globe and my darling grandchildren!

  18. My family and friends make me smile everyday.
    In your bead shop I love the Daffodils Ring #3.15
    In your etsy shop it is Pnk wisdom #2.08

  19. Love your new rings so I chose # 3.10 from the bead shop and in Etsy I chose the cameo pink love bird and my daily favorite thing that tickles my fancy is the morning kiss I get from my hubby of 42 years.

  20. Hi Kim,
    As I found last month, all your beads are great and it's difficult to choose just one...

    1. I love the Luminaria Ring #3.08 from your website

    2. The Luminaria pendant #2.46 from Etsy Shop

    What makes me happy every day is waking up next to the love of my life, Jack.

  21. Bead shop fave - spring blossoms pendant #3.21.

    Etsy fave - Luminaria pendant-Vines #2.50.

    Abundance is my hubby Jeff who is also my best friend. I adore him so very much and he makes me complete. Life is good.

    Karen Green (Gren Yak Jewelry)

  22. Favorite Bead Shop is still the Wild Gypsy Lotus. Favorite Esty is the Lime-Pink CZ Diamond Floral TAB. What makes me happy every day is when my kitty curls up close to me and purrs with happiness at loving and being loved...makes me want to purr too! Polly Anna

  23. I like all the new things in the shop!

    From the shop - purple lotus
    From etsy - Lakeside 2.46

    Spooning with my hubby makes me happy (unless I'm having a hot flash!)

  24. Hi Kim,

    Isn't spring beautiful in Ashland. Oregon is such a wonderful state. I love the Spring Blossoms #3.21 in your bead shop, it is calling my name with that wonderful combination of blue and pink. In the Etsy Shop, the Lakeside pendant #1.39 gets my vote because of the deep purple.

    One thing that always makes me happy is my faith in God and his love on earth. Sometimes I see the negative, but if I look again I see the abundance and can celebrate.

  25. Good Morning Kim,

    Favorite Bead Shop Bead:
    Purple Lotus Neckalce

    Favorite Etsy Shop Bead:
    Secret Love Globe

    What ALWAYS makes me happy? Hands down my two sons everyday, always.


  26. favorite piece in your bead shop= Gypsy bead
    favorite piece in your Etsy shop= faith key
    daily thing that always makes me happy= my knitting bag! It holds projects that I hope to finish, that I'm close to finishing and patterns that I hope to begin! It is also home to my "knitting needs" bag, including my treasured stitch markers ;) I take my bag with me always and it makes me happy daily!

  27. HI Kim,
    My fav thing in your Bead Shop is the Spring Blossoms ring, a lovely reminder of the coming season and the end of the cold winter !
    On your Etsy shop is the Lakeside Pendant 1.48.
    What makes me happy in a day is making my jewellery and a lovely cuddle with my puss cat, Ollie !
    Fondest love to you ! xox
    Michelle (UK)

  28. Hi Kim,
    1- My Beadshop Fav: Lakeside Series Pendant #2.53 (love the colors!!)
    2- My Etsy shop Fav: Lakeside Pendant #2.37
    3- Something in my daily life that makes me happy are my cats: playing, petting, feeding. After a hard day at work, they are always thrilled to see me, and I'm happy to see them too!

  29. The beadshop one is tricky as I'm torn between Marble-icious ~ Ring ~ #3.38 and Plum Ripple ~ Ring ~ #3.32. They both have the lovely swirling colours that I really enjoy in glass.

    Etsy is easier: Luminaria Pendant - Vines - 2.50. It glows beautifully.

    And the daily life one...that'd be the cats then (my partner would be first, but bless him he works away from home sometimes). The cats are here every day and they're wondeful, curious little monsters :)

  30. Sorry for the delay in choosing a winner! I got distracted...

    Drum roll....

    and the winner is...
    PA (Polly Anna)!!!!!!!!
    You have until Friday, April 9 to claim your prize.
    Since nobody claimed the February prize (I tried twice), it's now the March prize. It's a very beautiful ring. Keep it for yourself, or give it as a gift to make someone else feel abundant!


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