help for hope

As many of you know, Rick and I have been involved with the HOPE Bracelet Project for several years now, and had the honor of visiting Project Mercy in Ethiopia in November of 2008. The project is going through some re-organizing this year. While the young Ethiopian Beadmakers are taking great strides in making the project a self-sustaining source of income, the real need at this time is for silver beads and spacers, necessary to complete the bracelets. This is a call for action! Please dig into your bead stashes and sift out some of those silver beads you've been saving. I promise, they'll be put to very good use!

Silver beads should be sent to Tammy Cunningham in Denver ASAP, so volunteers can deliver them when they travel to Ethiopia this spring. Details on the HOPE Bracelet Project, our trip to Ethiopia, and Tammy's contact info can be found on my HOPE page.

Thank you for your help!

PS - To save some time, here's a link to the donation form for the HOPE Beadmaker Challenge. You can use the form for glass or silver beads, as well as cash donations. All are tax deductible! The address to send the beads to is at the bottom of the form.


  1. I made my call am now waiting to get a response to ship my donation to Tammy.

  2. I like your Wild Violet ring. Problem is that I love anything with orange in it. And your rings are intriguing.

    What makes me happy every day? Probably that no two days are alike. Today I stayed home almost al day. But tomorrow I will go to work and see other people (I live alone and like it). And the next day (Wednesday) I go to my daughter's and get to play with grandchildren and a great-granddaughter. Every day brings it's own surprises.

    I enjoy your beads and your blog is fun to read.

    Thanks for sending it. Judith


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