group effort

I just got word from the Toledo Museum of Art about a project they're working on, called The Bead Goes On. It's a community art effort, which I think is just dandy, and it's all about beads, which I find particularly pleasing. They're attempting to round up 10,000 handmade beads of all sorts, which they will assemble into a great big beautiful Bead Curtain. Very cool. I want to play. I hope you will too. The prospectus and full details can be found on the link above. You can send up to five beads, and they can be made of just about anything, so this is a project that really is open to everyone. I like that a lot, and I look forward to a bunch of us here working on it together. Leave a comment here if you send some beads in, and send me a picture too if you want to. I'll see if I can find a way to post them here, so we can all see what we've done. My beads aren't ready to go yet, but soon! OK, go!


  1. I'm going to have to send some. My husband is from Toledo and I think some of my beads need to go there. Thanks for sharing this, Kim!


  2. This sounds really cool. I'm going to have to get the family involved and make up a bunch of things to send.

  3. Going to get in on this one!!! Thanks for letting us know about it!


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