snow globe beads

I'm in such a tizzy today! Time away from home really messes with my work schedule, and I have such a mean boss! But I want to show you these new beads. What are they? Snow Balls? Snow Globes? Something like that! They're filled with all sorts of sparkly delights. I must remember to keep one for myself. Probably a pink one, because they remind me of Mom's pink Christmas Tree. It was glorious...


  1. you are right... your Mom's christmas tree was so pink and so glorious..

  2. We have a glorious gold tinsel tree. When I decided to get a fake tree, I didn't want one that looked like it was trying to look we went for tinsel, and ended up with what I call the Drag Queen of Christmas Trees. We love it though!

    The snow globe beads are so sparkly and pretty!

  3. Hi--I gave you an award--go see it! at my blog! xox jean!

  4. Snow Globes arrived yesterday, Kim, and they are even more fabulous than I expected. Your beads always are. Thanks and have a wonderful Christmas. *<:)


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