popping in

I'm back, but just for a minute. I was up at 5AM this morning, and thought I'd google "collage art". In the process, I stumbled across a snippet of this poem...

Write it on your heart
that every day is the best day in the year.
He is rich who owns the day, and no one owns the day
who allows it to be invaded with fret and anxiety.

Finish every day and be done with it.
You have done what you could.
Some blunders and absurdities, no doubt crept in.
Forget them as soon as you can, tomorrow is a new day;
begin it well and serenely, with too high a spirit
to be cumbered with your old nonsense.

This new day is too dear,
with its hopes and invitations,
to waste a moment on the yesterdays.

~ralph waldo emerson~

Searching for the entire poem, I then found this website: World Prayers, which I find to be just absolutely lovely, and I want to share it with you. Enjoy! Carry on!


  1. thanks Kim ...
    you never fail to inspire us ..

    happy happy holidays
    mona & the girls


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