i'll shop later

I must be a terrible business woman, and an even worse consumer. I missed Black Friday on all counts. No shopping, so selling. Instead Rick and I were on the road, traveling from Ashland to San Jose for a family send-off for my nephew Kevin, who's on his way to the Coast Guard today. It was a terrific party, and while we're all so darn proud of Kevin, I'm equally proud of his mom - my little sister, Jill. She's raised two great boys, she went all out in throwing this party, and she held it all together with a lot of grace and good humor, which couldn't have been easy when sending her baby off into the big military world. My hat's off to Jill, and my love goes with Kevin. This is new to all of us, and we'll all stick together, as we always do. We're family, after all, and before all else.

We woke up Sunday to one of those glorious California days that come along too rarely, even here. The sun was shining, the air was soft and warm, and the call of the ocean, just over the hill, was too loud to ignore. Rick and I drove over and spent the day walking on the beach, watching the surfers, and eating fish & chips on the pier. The sun dancing on the water was so bright we both had to buy sunglasses. I guess we did our part for the economy, spending $24 on cheap-but-stylish shades. Of all the days I've spent in Santa Cruz, and there have been many, it was the most perfect day ever. I'm still beaming, just thinking about it.

Apparently today is Cyber Monday, when all good Americans should be shopping online. Normally I'd be posting new beads today, as I do most Mondays, but today I'll be back in the truck, driving back to Ashland. Is this bad business? Am I going to miss out on the buying frenzy that's been artificially set up to happen on this particular day? I guess I don't really think so. I think I have a higher quality of customer than the average WalMart Shopper. I think they like that I have a big round life, filled with other things besides business, and I think they're patient enough to wait for the beads. I'm not exactly a slacker. I work hard to bring beauty to my corner of the world, and I love how that corner stretches across the world at times. In a broader sense, my Bead People are family too. Maybe it's the season, or maybe it's just taking a few days to rest and visit and give and receive a lot of hugs, but I'm feeling kind of warm and squishy this morning. Black Friday and Cyber Monday mean nothing. Business will go on as usual when I get back to Ashland, and the Beadists will get what they need from me without ever having to set foot in a mall. I feel pretty good about that. I feel pretty good about everything.

All the Party Pics on FaceBook
All the Santa Cruz Pics on FaceBook


  1. That pelican looks like it is wondering if the dog would taste good with a little ketchup lol. Glad you enjoyed your day and blessing to your nephew from a former soldier :)!

  2. these are the moments we need to eventually give birth to the best beads! forget cyber sale stuff, keep on soaking up the inspiration !!!
    m.e. :)


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