a new studio

My dear cousin, Mitzi Miles-Kubota, has graciously, generously, and hopefully a little selfishly invited me to share her studio space. Can glass and paint peacefully coexist? I think so. She thinks so. We'll give it a try.

Yesterday afternoon we shoved around some furniture and hauled in all my beadmaking gear. Before long, Mitzi's painting sanctuary/garage morphed into some kind of crazy artists' co-op. She wants to learn to make beads, and though I generally don't like to teach, this is different. Mitzi is such an absolute artist, in every cell of her body, in everything she does. I just know she'll get the basics from me and run off in her own fabulous direction. I also know I'm creating some tough competition for myself, and I see that as a good thing. I'm going to try my hand at painting too, which is totally foreign territory for me. I don't expect to become a great painter, but I do hope this will stretch my creativity in ways I haven't thought of yet, and rekindle my love for the flame. I never thought I'd get tired of making beads, and taking a bit of a break has been wonderful. I'm not going to push myself into anything though. This is all experimental. Our whole life right now is experimental; living in a trailer, sharing one vehicle, dropping into Ashland practically unannounced, sharing studio space... I never thought I would want to do that. Mitzi didn't know she would either. But I have a feeling we're going to be really good for each other. Watch out! When Miles Girls get together, things happen!


  1. Can't wait to see the mix of the two Miles girls !!!!
    Kim, it sounds wonderful and the inspiration you crave to get those lovely beads going again !!!
    The mixture of the two of you artists I'm sure will be AMAZING !!
    Look forward to seeing the results of this marvellous partnership !

  2. What a brilliant idea! It's always fruitful to try new things and stretch those creative muscles. You may not "enjoy" teaching, but I know for a fact you are a fantastic teacher, and after watching your cousin's video, I suspect you two are going to have way too much fun with this!


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