looking for normal

Have you seen this on Facebook? It's a quick video Mitzi took of our new joint studio adventure. We're both really excited about the possibilities presented by this mingling of fire and water.

What I'm not so thrilled about is that creepy roll of fat that's collected around my middle! Oh dear... better do something about that. I'm not at all settled in here yet, and my days are spent sort of banging around, in my head and in town, trying to figure out what to do. New town, same old me. Not that I want to get away from myself, but I would like to make a few changes in what I call "normal". I spent entirely too much time in my studio in Taos. All day, every day, rarely leaving the house. Sometimes I'd go a week or more without setting foot past my own driveway. I became pretty clueless about the goings-on in town, and would always joke about "not getting out much". But it was way too true, and I don't want that to happen here. So far I haven't done as much exploring as I'd like, but I'm at least aware of my need to do something other than sit at that torch all day, no matter how cool the studio is. I've said that I'm going to take the dogs for a good long walk every day, and I've actually done it twice. Impressive. That should help with the fat belly problem. But I've made that promise before, and I don't trust me much to keep it. I'm willing to give myself another chance though. If I won't, who will? I'm also considering volunteering at some interesting place in town. Good way to meet people and do something useful in the community I hope to call my own. I really think the best thing to do when we need something is to give something to someone else. It always works for me. And right now, I need to feel like I belong someplace.

Later today I'm going over to Mitzi's to paint "boneheads" - these little plastic skulls I got at the dollar store. We're going to do them up like Dia De Los Muertos Skulls. Way too cool. And I'm looking forward to playing with paint. Time to mix it up and explore some new stuff. Deep breath... I'm OK. I'm OK. I'm OK.


  1. When it comes to motivation for walking the dogs, just keep remembering how much they enjoy it. And how little they ask of us for all the joy that they bring to us...

  2. I love this video! And I've loved following your adventures through the country this year.

    I have featured you and your blog on my blog today, if you want to check it out:

    You are an inspiration, Kim!

  3. Sometimes it's not the "doing" it's the being. You will find your way, I must believe that, and so will I.


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