don quixote

The production of Don Quixote last night was wonderful. Sets, costumes, acting, all terrific, as one would expect from pros like these. It was blasted cold outside though, and even though we thought ahead and brought seat cushions, warm coats, gloves, hats, scarves, blankets, and even snow boots, we were really uncomfortable out there in that beautiful open air theater. Talk about a test from a new town... If there's anything that can wear me down, it's being cold. It makes me cranky. Then it makes me sleepy and I just shut down. But I decided to suck it up and embrace the damn cold, along with the play, a package deal. We bought coffee and red wine, and huddled together, and laughed, at the fine entertainment presented before us, and also at ourselves, for our silly bravery and determination to love whatever we're presented with.

Why didn't we do that in Taos? We did. For eight years. We loved it there. We still love it there. We just knew it was time to move on. Not exactly like Don Quixote, we're on something of a quest, following that star and that impossible dream and all that. There's a loose connection there somewhere. We have no illusions about saving anyone or changing the world. What we're up to is living this life for all it's worth, following every dream that seems worth the effort, even if it's uncomfortable. Even if it's cold. To sit still in a warm place would mean we'd miss an awful lot.

We came home and drank some whiskey to warm up, and talked about the play and laughed some more. (It was presented as a comedy, and it worked well.) This morning we're still enjoying last night. It was that good. Worth every penny and every shiver. Is there any such thing as an impossible dream? I think not. I think everything is possible. I think it's all in how you approach it. And it helps to have a good horse and a good sidekick like Sancho Panza. I have the big-ass truck and Rick. I can do anything.


  1. I can't wait for our house to close so we can get on with it all too, sounds so wonderful your attitude about life, great post. I just have to figure out some type of health insurance that I can afford, Ugh.

  2. Lovely 'theatre' there Kim, reminds me of the Shakespeare theatre over here in Stratford on Avon, Warwickshire, in the UK !


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