matt & megan

Weddings... some people hate them. I happen to love them. Heck, I've had two of my own... We went to Wenatchee, Washington for the weekend, to attend Matt and Megan's wedding, and this, my friends, was one great celebration. Most of Rick's family was there, and while there aren't a lot of us, we take up extra space with our happy, buoyant energy. Megan's family is quite a bit larger, so the seats were filled from end to end with lovely folks from far and wide, I think just over 100 of us in all. Those of us with trailers camped at Confluence State Park, which is where the Columbia and Wenatchee rivers meet. Beautiful spot. And the campground is ideal, with wide open sites and green, green lawn covering the place like carpet.

Rick and I were enlisted to help with the rehearsal dinner on Friday night. It was a lot of fun, and we were happy to make ourselves useful. (Matt looks about twelve here, but he's actually 34 - old enough to know what he wants, and he picked a great girl!)

The actual ceremony was on Saturday, at 5:30 in the evening, so we had all day to lounge around and make ourselves pretty. I proclaimed Saturday morning Personal Spa Time, and stayed in the trailer smoothing out all my rough edges. "Not Camping" for two and a half months has taken its toll, but I still clean up pretty well, and by the time we headed out that afternoon, I think we were a pretty good looking couple.

The wedding was held at the shady, forested Ohme Gardens, on a hill above Wenatchee. It was all things a wedding should be; short and sweet, with blue skies, well put together words, just the right amount of happy tears, and one perfect butterfly that drifted over the happy couple's heads, right on que.

The reception was at a local winery, and it was a most excellent party. Good enough that some of us needed most of yesterday to recover... And, it also happened to be Rick's birthday that day. What a great birthday party!

So, here we are, back in Seattle, back to work, but still going over happy memories that we'll all be talking about for years to come. Here's to you, Matt & Megan! We all wish you a long and happy life together!

Want all the pictures? Here's a nice little slideshow below, or click for the album on Facebook!


  1. Hi Kim !
    You and Rick look a lovely couple, as do the bride and groom !!! I thought you look especially lovely in the pink ! Beautiful !!!
    Glad it all went well !
    Michelle (UK)

  2. The photos are fabulous! The "trip" seems to agree with you so well. You look younger and younger with every photograph you take!

    Carolina E.


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