hope for lucy

We went down to my old stomping grounds in Gardnerville to see my pal Susan and her family. Susan and I have been friends since junior high school... a long time. We don't see each other often now. My fault. I keep moving around. But when we do get together, it's always like always. Fun. We had a great visit, catching up with Susan and Chuck, and their two gorgeous grown-up kids, Nick (my godson), and Kayla.

Susan and Chuck

Nick and me - isn't he the cutest thing?

Nick and Kayla - I think they should both be models.

While we all chattered like monkeys, the dogs - ours and theirs, all five of them - sniffed and scuffled and with a little coaxing from the humans, formed something of a congenial pack. Little Heidi was a bit overwhelmed by all the big dogs, but she did fine. Lucy, of course, was the real concern, but after she and Guinness (the boxer) came to an understanding it all went pretty well.

Lucy and Woody make friends easily. I think she has a little crush on him.

The dog thing was so astonishing and encouraging, we decided to take them all out to the Hope Valley the next day, to play in the river. I'm not sure who had more fun - the dogs or the humans. It's such a gorgeous place, and nobody around but us, so the pets could go off-leash and really enjoy themselves.

Lucy's not much of a swimmer, but she wanted to keep up with the boys.

Lucy tried all day to get Woody to play with her, but he was totally focused on the minnows in the stream. My Dad had German Shorthairs when we were kids. He would have enjoyed watching Woody "hunt" so intently.

Even Miss Heidi ventured in, and managed some good deep-water swimming, with a little help from Susan and me. She might be a Sorority Girl, but she's sea-worthy.

We were all exhausted by the end of the day, and hopeful for the first time about our strange Lucy-girl. Seems she has the capacity to learn how to be a proper dog if she's given the chance. The Hope Valley was a fitting place for all this to happen. Huge thanks to Susan and Chuck, and their dogs Woody, Guinness, and Duke, for their patience and faith in Lucy. Maybe she's not such a bad dog after all.

Old friends, turning into old ladies... somewhat gracefully I think.

More pictures on Facebook.


  1. I don't see two old ladies. I see two young women who will be friends forever :). Good on Lucy to have such a wonderful time!

    Penny \IiiI

  2. So pleased to hear that Lucy has had that chance Kim !! I'm sure she will be ok !
    I don't see 2 old ladies ~ no indeed ~ 2 young ladies ! And may I say, you look absolutely beautiful, especially in your photo with young Nick ! ~ you cheeky girl !!!
    Much love, xoxox


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