hooray for monterey

As much as I'd love to spend half the day writing in my trailer, leaving the beach and my family to fend for themselves, I'm going to just do a quick catch-up here, mostly in pictures. There will be time for words later. Trust me when I tell you we're having a fabulous time, and I never want to leave the coast of California again... until I get tired of it and feel the tug back to the desert, or the mountains, or any number of other places that might whisper an invitation to me. For now, this is perfection.

Backing up a few days, back in Reno, I had a lovely visit with my Aunt Donna. I don't get to see her often, and this was the first time I ever having her to myself for a whole afternoon. I enjoyed every minute of it. We got silly with iPhoto, but here's a nice picture Rick took for us.

The drive from Reno to Monterey was longer than expected, and pretty cramped. Kelsey and Chelsea had Heidi in their laps, which is not a big deal, but she does expect a fair amount of pampering. Lucy rode in the trailer, which is legal and safe in a fifth wheel, but in Sacramento, I thought it was too hot for her back there, so I brought her up to sit at my feet. We were all a little crazy by the time we got to the coast, after seven hours on the road. Once again, way past my road tolerance level.

We took Linda to dinner our first night here, to celebrate her big five-oh. The light wasn't right for a picture, but you can see how beautiful she is. We're lucky to swim in a pretty gene pool in this family, but I think Linda got an extra splash.

Yesterday morning was spent walking the dogs and hanging out here at the RV park with the little cluster of us who are staying here instead of the hotel. Here I am with David and Robin. David is my Dad's brother. Aunt Camy is their sister. Robin is David's wife. Aunt Donna was his first wife, and they are the parents of my super-talented cousin Mitzi, who isn't here at all this weekend, but I thought I'd fill you in on the family tree a little bit. Got all that?

Later we went to the Monterey Bay Aquarium with my friend Karen, who was kind enough to offer us the use of her passes, saving us a bucket of money. We had a great time, and a good visit. The aquarium is incredible. I could have spent hours there. Days even. I was hypnotized by swimming things. Thanks Karen!

After we'd had our fill of the aquarium, we went poking around town. Monterey is a darling place. If you get a chance to come here, better do it. It will make you happy on so many levels.

Today my kids arrive. Dad got here last night, and Susan and Nick are here from Gardnerville. The party is growing and morphing into something wild and organic and out of our control. I'm having a terrific time. Better get away from this computer and go kayaking! Yeah, baby!

More photos on Facebook.


  1. Lovely photos Kim, especially dear little Heidi and the lovely sea horse !! Wow !!! ;o)
    Glad to see you're enjoying yourselves !!


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