bead fairy to the rescue

There was a weird feeling in the air all day yesterday. I tried to ignore it from the moment we heard the frantically blasting siren at 6AM, but I was on edge all day... no pun intended. Later in the afternoon we learned that someone had driven his car off the edge of the canyon early in the morning. We spotted the blue tarp just below the tree that the condors tend to roost in at night, and of course, no sign of the condors. They were likely in that tree when the car came crashing down the cliff. The tree itself wasn't damaged, so I'm sure they all flew for their lives. But where did they go? The North Rim maybe? Or Utah? Will they ever come back here? Will I ever know? That picture I posted yesterday, of my toes dangling over the rim seems in kind of poor taste now. But then, there are no lifeguards in the gene pool. I'm sad on so many levels. This whole thing just has me shaking my head, wondering what I can do...

My first instinct in times of crisis is to do whatever I can to add beauty to the world. It seems frivolous, but I think it's helpful, and even important. A few days ago I started a Secret Bead Fairy Project. I carry around a little bag of beads, and when nobody's looking, leave them in places where people will find them... on rocks, in bathrooms, on the shelf at the store, on top of the mail box... Beads to the world. They're what I have to offer. I'll be out there today, scattering more beads than usual, trying to shake this creepy mood I'm in. Big as the Canyon is, there's not room for feeling this way. As the Secret Bead Fairy, I think I can flutter my little wings and rise above it.


  1. What a horrible tragedy in such a beautiful place :(. Scatter away those bad vibes Bead Fairy!


  2. That sounds awful Kim, it doesn't seem right to have such a tradegy in such a wonderful place.
    Good for you, Bead Fairy ~ I love the idea of you leaving beads about, maybe one day I may find on in a totally unexpected place !!
    Take care.

  3. What a lovely thing to do. It did remind me of the story about an eccentric english lady Miss Willmott.

    Eryngium giganteum
    'Miss Willmott's Ghost'

    "Miss Wilmott's ghost is named after the nineteenth century gardener, Ellen Wilmott, who liked to secretly scatter these seeds in other people's gardens."

    The difference is that it is not known if Miss Willmot loved the plant so much she thought it should be more widely grown or that she was jealous of other gardens and was spreading what she considered a weed.

    What a thrill it would be to find one of your beads in my garden. Have you thought of coming to Ireland!!


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