
I didn't sleep well last night. Today's busy-ness was swimming in endless little circles, around and around in my head. I'm taking the studio apart today, and that's a big job physically, as well as emotionally. I started with the easy part, closing up the BeadShop. I know it's only a temporary intermission, but I worry that my customers will think I've gone for good, and wander off to buy other beads. I need them to stick around, but I can only do so much. I just have to take the leap and trust that the net will be there.

(Buy this print at The Country Goddess)

And once I get the studio cleared out, I can set it up again in the trailer. I should probably do a test run before we leave too, making sure everything works the way I think it will. Going from a large creatively cluttered room full of toys to a small, temporary space that's designed to be set up and torn down the same day is going to be... interesting. But what I'm finding in all of this clearing and sorting, is that down-sizing to less stuff is really wonderful. In fact it already seems like some of what we're planning to take is excessive, and I'm doing further weeding as I'm packing. The rule is, it has to be both beautiful and useful if it's coming along for the ride. In some cases, like with tools and septic tank chemicals, functional is all it needs to be. But with the exception of wall art, if we can't use it in some way, it stays here in storage. Like I always told my beautiful daughter, it's not enough just to be pretty...

OK then.
I can do this.
No more stalling.


  1. Hi kim I found your Blog thru Jeans Yates wonderful blog. I was reading about your changes. Must be hard. I have alot of "stuff" hard to let go of bc the past is with them! But hey when we release the clutter those things are still with us in our hearts forever, and then we are free. Plus you did say your storing things. Your taveling and going is intregueing! Be strong, but I can see you already are! x


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