magic gypsy bead chest

Here it is - the Magic Gypsy Bead Chest!

The outside is finished, but the inside still needs a mirror, an earring rack, and of course, beads! I'll be getting to all that soon. Certainly before we head out of Taos, which is now looking like early July. All these little jobs... they have to be done before we ease on down the road. I'll be shifting some things from my BeadShop to the BeadChest, maybe as soon as next week. I think I'll have two separate inventories as we travel. It's just too hard to keep track of what's online when it's also for sale live and in person. I've tried, and something always gets messed up and double-sold. So I hope that the good people who shop my website will be quick and decisive when they see something they want. Otherwise, it might just "get gone".

A few more pictures, and I'm on my way. The beautiful gypsy ladies are my "ancestors". Of course they are! Well, they are now...


  1. Awesome Kim!! It seems like it will hold your essence & your treasures, keeping them safe

  2. Love this !
    it has a air of magic & mystery
    makes you want to peek inside.
    :) m.e.

  3. I'm happy to be catching up. I love this chest. You have a very nice friend. Cathy


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