blind date

We have a WINNER in this week's Bead Give-Away!
MARY FREE, please contact me so I can send you your bead!

Yesterday was Heidi's second modeling gig for Katy George. The set-up was a "tail gate picnic", like the ones typically enjoyed in the Santa Fe Opera parking lot before curtain time. It's a wonderful, silly tradition that you probably don't find at most opera venues. New Mexico is... different!

Heidi and Judge agreed to wear Katy's beautiful Doggie Couture for the shoot, and one of the "real" photos, taken by Jaap Vanderplas, will be on display at the Opera House, along with the dog clothes that are available for sale there. We all had a really good time, and polished off the champagne afterwards! Here's my take on "what dogs think"...

Find the larger version here on Facebook:

(Yes, I'm aware of the typo... To fix it, I'd have to go all the way back to the beginning and do the whole thing over again. Think of it as a "signature mistake"...)

OK now, in case you can't get the slide show to work, I'll do it this way too. Play your own music for full effect!
Blind Date At The Opera

Another blind date... Why do I let my friends set me up like this?

He'd better not stand me up...

Are you sure this is the right guy?

He's kinda cute, but he doesn't talk much... The cape is sexy though...

I brought all this nice food. Wonder if he'll even notice...

And I'm wearing my best dress. How can he ignore blue velvet and lace?

Hmmm... Maybe he's just shy...
Hey! Giovanni! Snap out of it!

I'm sorry... you're so beautiful... I couldn't speak!

Let me make it up to you. Mind if I get a little closer?

How about a little kiss?

Oh dear... that didn't go so well. Let's just go to the opera and forget about the picnic.

I just want someone to treat me like a lady. Where are all the nice guys in Taos, anyway?

What a relief! I forgot it was just a photo shoot! Can we drink the champagne now, Katy?

OK! That's it! Another day gone to the dogs... heh heh...


  1. Kim;

    So Delightful & Precious! Are you now Heidi's agent? Don't get all hollywood on us!! ;-) . Very cool and I can see it on the blog & FB.

    Have a bountiful weekend, dear lady. So excited for the journey & adventures that lie ahead for you...and for what lessons life will teach for you to share with us.

    ~peace & love

    Holly Sharpe-Moore


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